♤Chapter 26

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*Emma P.O.V*

As soon as we were in the house, hell broke loose.

"So, that's what you do when your not home, and you guys are late for what?" Dad pushed a hand through her dark hair. I looked anywhere but at them.

I didn't really want to come home.

I never want to come home any more.

Does Cam feel that way too?

"We went to the Beach," Cameron spoke out and I wanted to yank her back and force her to be quiet.



I squeezed her hand and pulled her into me.

"ROOMS NOW!" BuBy yelled and Cameron and I both flinched as his hand few up pointing to that stairs.

Cam moved first pulling me after her and I could feel the shift in atmosphere where as we made it up the stairs and I to her room. She closed the door and I watched  fear turn into frustration, then to panic and that quickly shifted to anger where it settled for a moment and then morphed completely into sadness. 

She sank into the floor and it suddenly hit me like a brick wall, I didn't know what to do. I'm usually the one that needs help.

I've never seen her like this, so detached, so peacefully bothered.

I sat down beside her and when I did she kind of just collapsed against me and we fell into a natural hold. My arms around her, her head pressed into my chest.

Neither of us said anything for maybe five minutes. 

I broke the silence, she wasn't. 

"Um, what are you feeling? Do you know?" I squeezed a little and she only took a deep breathe. I wanted patently for her response and it came, maybe two minutes after I asked.

"I feel tired, I'm so tired." She said and let of me. I watched her shit herself int he bathroom. I didn't follow, I don't think she wanted me to.

She was so happy, then sad, then happy again, then sad again. I watched her emotions run through her like movie reel, and it reminded me just a little about the depression and mania episodes she used to have.

Twelve was a hard time for us.

They tried to separate us before, we had the same room just different beds. She wouldn't be able to sleep, ever. Sometimes she would just walk around the room and I would wake up to her cleaning the mirrors, or organizing the desk.

We were in just Chicago and school was stressful, Saint Ignatius is pretentious, Cam hated it. That was around the time she started actually boxing, I'll never forget her first fight. I've never seen someone so happy to lose, but now that I think about it, it wasn't losing to her, it was just what she wanted. She finally found a sport that could handle her agression and kickbacks.

Everything was great for a few months until, she started working out like crazy for days and then spend weeks trapped in hoodie or in corner. Her anger got worse, she would lash out more, then she started to take it out on me. Not in a bad way, more like turning her random mania episodes of pushup and jump rope into something constructive and static like watching me and making sure I was always okay.

I thought for a while that it was just OCD, and even Schizophrenia for a hot second, but now that I'm thinking on it, I don't know what it is.

Maybe it's nothing and I'm over thinking.

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