
89 13 2

a/n: chan "bold"
woojin "italics"

woojin dropped seungmin off at his house. as soon as seungmin got out of the car, woojin quickly replied to chan.

chan i'm sososososoosososo sorry something
came up :(

seeing that chan read his message woojin realized at that point chan was sad. he decides to drive to a store to get chan something. after buying the stuff, he walks out the store and enters his car.

he starts driving to chans apartment. he parks at the parking lot. he gets out of his car and starts to get the stuff he got for chan. he slowly walks towards chans apartment. he takes out his phone and messages chan again.

chan pls open your door

chan pls open your doooor
it's cold outside :(

okay fine
also it's summer why would you be cold

shhhhhh it's not summer at allllll
i just wanted to get your attention :(

okay now i'm opening the door

as soon as woojin read the message, he looks up from his phone and sees that the door knob slightly moves. as door opens, he sees a smiling chan greeting him. woojin smiles back at him.



there was an awkward silence be tween the two but once again woojin decides to break it.

"i. . .uhm. . .brought some cake. so we could eat it. it's also my way of apologizing."

"i'm realllllly sorry i was just so caught up with what happened to seungmin and he was crying and i just had to-"

"woojin it's okay. i understand."

woojin put the cake down so he could give chan a hug. he pulled chan into a hug. chan was taken back but hugs woojin back. woojin felt comfort.

he felt safe in chans arms. he didn't want to stop hugging him but he knew he would have to. slowly he pulls away from the hug. to his suprise though chan hugs him tighter.

woojin wondered as to why chan would hug him tighter, but woojin didn't complain. instead he hugs chan again and rocks the both of them back and forth. at this chan smiles and woojin can tell he's smiling. this to the both of them, is a perfect moment.

please do vote for the story if enjoy it!!

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