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It was a beautiful day in Chonkland, a place where everything could be happy. Except it wasn't really a beautiful day anymore, because one person will ruin it all for reasons unknown.

Our story starts with Winry, some girl from the region of Kinowe.

Kinowe is one of the many regions of Chonkland, and this one is arguably the most pleasant. The grass is always green, the sun is always shining, and not one person is sad! There's also a lot of cinemas scattered around, everyone in Kinowe are obsessed with movies of every kind and therefore you should never discuss a movie with one of the natives or else they will never shut up.

But again, back to Winry, because I'm sure you're all wondering about her.

Winry's your average 15 year old girl. She has long brown hair kept in a ponytail, and amber eyes.
She usually stays in her room, texts on her phone, and spills a boatload of tea.
However, today, a dark thundercloud formed in the skies of Kinowe.
Winry was curious about this. Sure, it rains every now and then, but never thunder.

She couldn't keep herself away, and ended up walking outside. She wanted to see if it were really real, in a way.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU!?" She shouted at the sky.

"DON'T IGNORE ME! WHY ARE YOU NARRATING EVERYTHING I DO!?" she continued, to seemingly nobody.

Oh shit she's talking to me isn't she

"YEAH!" Winry continued, throwing her arms in the air, "ARE YOU GONNA EXPLAIN WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT THIS IS!?"

Yeah okay why not. I'm The Narrator, and I'm just kinda telling this story because I'm bored. There's a thunderstorm and you need to fix it because now you're the chosen hero, yipee!

"Oh sweet!" Winry smiled, the raindrops sliding down her glasses, "So, do I get a sword or something?"

No. Here's a fursuit, you're a cat.

"Aw darn," she looked down at herself to discover her new clothes.

She was now dressed in a blue cat suit, complete with working claws. Those are her weapons, because who wouldn't wanna slice your enemies with your own hands?

"So what do I do now?" Winry asked.

I'm not a real character though, so I refuse to answer.

Instead, another girl walked up next to her.

This girl had red, curly hair, brown eyes, and a wide, friendly smile. This one gets to be a warrior with a sword, for the sole reason of Winry wanted to be a warrior 2 seconds ago.

"Hi my name's Catrina!" The girl cheered in an overly-enthusiastic voice.

Winry looked at her. "But doesn't your nametag say Athena on it?"

"Yeah whatever," Athena rolled her eyes, "I'm trying to take over Chonkland, you should join me!"

"That sounds awesome, I'm in!" Winry announced without hesitation.

However, Winry is SUPPOSED to be the hero of this story, so I'm not gonna let her do that.

Instead, Winry shouts, "What the heck!? No! That sounds boring, so I'm gonna stop you."

"Wow okay," Athena tossed her sword in the air and caught it again, "Well, you see, there's only one person strong enough to stop me anyway. Her name is Vee, and she's a mage who lives in the Mavis region on top of Mt. Diamond. Good luck finding her!"

"What-no!" Winry stomped, "I'm not going into the Mavis Region and climbing the tallest mountain in Chonkland to find some mage! Fight me right now let's go!"

"No u" Athena disappears into thin air, presumably to her lair.

"Well now I gotta go do that, so...I guess I'm off to Mt. Diamond or whatever," Winry sighed. She's extremely unenthusiastic. I should have picked Grubbs to be the hero.

"HEY! You're not supposed to mention him yet!" Winry scolded me. However, I don't care, because I can do whatever I want.

Also this chapter is ending.

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