adventure adventure adventure adventure adventure adventure adventure adventure

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Carl and Winry are now in Desert. I don't care if they were expecting a fancy name, this region is called Desert. There's sand and cacti and it's hot. Woohoo.

"We've been walking forever," Winry groaned.

"I know, you'd think we could've called an uber on our phones," Carl agreed.

Ubers don't exist in this universe anymore, because I'd rather make them walk.

"What's an uber?" Winry asked.

Carl shrugged. "It's like...I knew before, but now I don't."

"Hey narrator guy," Winry shouted, "How long do we have to keep walking for!?"

It's bout another 3,026 miles until you reach it to the top of Mt. Diamond, sorry.

"Aw, dang," Carl groaned.

"It's hot..." Winry breathed, before collapsing onto the sand like a pathetic little worm, "and this stupid's so sweaty..."

Carl put her hands on her hips. "So are you just gonna die there?"




"HOLY FUDGE!" Winry and Carl flinched.

Behind them was some blonde kid. Nobody knows why he was in Desert, but he was.

"I saw you nubs dying and it looked kinda sad," he explained, "What are you even doing in Desert, anyway?"

"I could ask you the same question," Winry accused.

"Yeah but you won't," the boy stated. "Now, answer my question."

"Fiiiiiine," Winry and Carl both groaned.

"This warrior girl is making thunderstorms for seemingly no reason, and we wanna stop her for no reason, but first we gotta find this mage named Vee so that she can save the world." Winry explained, "Happy now?"

The boy nodded, "Yeah, I am...wait, you're looking for Vee?"

"Yup, that's what she just said," Carl swung her arms back and forth out of boredom.

"I knew Vee! We used to be friends," he smiled for no reason because his smile faded again after .2 seconds. "Then she kinda just disappeared and I assumed she was dead."

"Oh oof," Winry said.

"Why don't you join us? I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again," Carl offered with a smile.

The boy stepped back. "No, I'm good, I'd rather keep walking around Desert."

But he's supposed to join them, so I'm not gonna let him do that.

Instead, he says, "Okay, sure. My name is Grubbin, but it's just Grubbs for short."

"You have a weird name," Carl remarked. "I'm Carl, by the way."

"You literally have a boy's name!" Grubbs stomped.

"Yeah, we've established that," Winry got up from the ground and offered her hand to shake, "I'm Winry, and chances are I'm secretly everyone else in this story."

Grubbs shook her hand. "I have no idea what that means, but okay."

"I wonder what kind of job he'll get?" Carl stated, "Maybe it'll be something cool?"

"If he gets something cool, I'm gonna kill that freaking narrator guy," Winry crossed her arms.

"What the frick is a narrator guy," Grubbs asked, before I gave him the power of being an imp. That may sound bad, but really all he gets are cool wings and an extremely sharp spear, making him the coolest one so far.

"OH COME ON," Winry shouted, throwing sand up at the sky.

"Nevermind I think I could hear him just then," Grubbs shrugged, "You guys are weird. This is weird. I'm gonna regret joining this."

"I mean, it was your choice," Winry said, "Now, let's just go find Vee so that we can stop the rain and then we can all go back home and never think about one another again."

"Sounds good," Carl nodded.

"I'm not against that," Grubbs agreed.

And with that, they walked again. This story is bOring.

I bet you expected me to say something funny here, but I'm a cheeky little lad so I'm not gonna

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