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Winry, Carl, and Grubbs had finally made it to Mavis. The three of them are very close now after walking all that way, but I don't really feel like going into it because that's boring.

Mavis is a frigid region that's always covered in a layer of pure white snow. There are a few towns scattered around, each with their own hot chocolate cafés, to help travellers warm up.
But nobody has ever dared climb to the top of Mt. Diamond. They would die a cold, icy death. Only Vee had ever made it to the top, and she's magical, so she probably had an infinte amount of coacoa to keep her warm.

What I'm saying is, those three idiots will probably get themselves killed.

"Y'know we can hear you," Winry remarked, taking a sip of hot chocolate.

They were inside of a café taking a break, because they're procrastinating.

"That's unfair, you're literally just watching us do stuff instead of doing any work." Carl glared.

"Yeah wait hold up," Grubbs put his mug down on the coffee table, "you can do whatever you want. Can't you just...I dunno, teleport us there?"


"Well dang," Winry got up, "Then I guess we should just get this over with and probably die."

"Or we could just go home, this isn't our problem," Carl suggested.

"Yeah wait, why are we even doing this?" Grubbs added, "Athena can just take over Chonksland if she wants, I don't care,"

"Yeah...I'm bored." Winry agreed, "Cya never."

But they're supposed to go climb up Mt. Diamond, so I'm not gonna let them do that.

Instead, the trio walks their lazy butts up that entire mountain, and almost die in the process several times. Winry and Grubbs would both be dead if it weren't for Carl being sane.

"I'm exhausted," Winry groaned, stumbling up the steps to Vee's front door.

She lives in a cozy little cabin. The three adventurers were honestly expecting something big and scary that screamed, "KEEP OUT," but Vee's house actually looks pretty humble, and welcoming.

"Me too..." Carl agreed, dragging Grubbs with her. He had refused to take any more steps, and Winry suggested leaving him, but Carl said no.

"Am I dead...?"Grubbs looked up at the sky, "Wait no, if I were, that stupid narrator wouldn't be here, nevermind."

Hey, I don't appreciate being called stupid after I gave you all weapons and stuff!

"WE HAVEN"T EVEN USED THEM ONCE," Winry shouted, throwing her arms in the sky.


"So are you gonna knock, or..." Carl tapped her foot on the ground.

"Oh, right," Winry said, before knocking on the door.

There was a bit of shuffling from indoors.
The trio braced themselves to get thrown out, or yelled at, or worse, but...

"Oh! Hi!" A girl with wavy brown hair and brown eyes opened the door with a smile. "You guys look like you're dying, come inside and sit down."

They didn't argue with that.

Soon, the four of them were sitting at the girl's dinner table, each with a cup of hot coacoa.

The girl looked down at the marshmallows in her mug. "So, why did you even wanna get up here? Are you stupid or something?"

"No...? We're here because there's a thunderstorm and we wanna fix it but we need you, Vee. I're Vee, right?" Carl questioned.

"She does look familiar, but I haven't seen Vee in a while," Grubbs yawned because this chapter is boring as fudge.

"Well...I can't help you. I'm not Vee anymore," the girl told them with a sigh.

Winry raised an eyebrow. "What...does that even mean?"

"Well, I just got tired of being a mage, okay? I learned every spell and beat every challenger. A lot of rumors would start that I'm cheating or something, and I got sick of them, so I came to a place where nobody would ever find me. I'm not Vee anymore, my name is Erin." The girl, Erin, explained, making her the deepest character so far. But she's also the most dramatic, so it balances out.

"Are you KIDDING ME!?" Winry shouted, "I did NOT WALK HERE all the way from KINOWE just for YOU to say THAT!" She banged her fists on the table, causing everybody's coacoa to spill.

"Sorry," Erin shrugged because she obviously did not care, "I just don't wanna help you."

But shes supposed to join them and help them save the world, so I'm not gonna let her do that.

Instead, she says, "Well why didn't you say so!? I'll go get my old wand."

"What a nerd," Winry laughed.

"Back!" Erin returned with a smile, wearing a witch's hat and holding a wand. She looked kinda stupid, but it's less weird than walking around looking like a cat.

"Hey!" Winry shouted at me.

"Who...was that?" Erin asks, tilting her head.

"He's a jerk," Carl crossed her arms.

"The WORST," Grubbs agreed, even though I told them that I don't appreciate being called stupid.

And, as punishment, now I'm not gonna let Erin teleport them to Athena. Now they have to walk all the way there.

The four of them groaned, and walked out the door.

What are you lookin' at?

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