adventure but this time there are less "e"s at the end

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Winry had been walking for hours and hours through the horrible rain, and it was so boring so I'm gonna leave that part out. I could have just given her a car or something, but I was too lazy.

So she walked, and she walked, and she walked, and I put her on mute for the time being so I don't have to listen to her yell at me.

Eventually, she arrived at the next region of Chonkland; Emeraldia. It was surrounded by rock walls, each rich in ores. The most common one, though, was an emerald. Although, because this region is half underground, the natives are all pretty sensitive to too much light.
It's quite easy to strike it rich here, as long as you know how to mine. Some people can't mine, though, so they resort to stealing from others.

"AAAAAAGH! My legs feel like they're gonna FALL OFF!" Winry groaned, dragging herself through the bustling streets. "The only reason why they haven't is so I can use them to KICK YOU IN THE-"

-Okay you can shut up now we're at the Café, go inside.

"YES!" She shot a paw up in the air with a smile, "I GET TO SIT DOWN!"

She collapsed into the door and threw herself into a random chair, right across from another girl.

This girl had dark wavy brown hair, and brown eyes. She also wore a thick pair of glasses.

"Uh...hi," she waved awkwardly.

"Yeah yeah hi my name is Winry and I'm about to die of exhaustion." Winry plopped her head on the table.

"I'm...I'm Carl?" The girl introduced herself.

Winry raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a boys name?"

Carl laughed, "Yes, but I don't care. Anyway, what have you been doing?"

Winry inhaled, "So basically I'm from Kinowe and there's a huge thunderstorm everywhere so this guy gave me a cat suit and told me to save the world and then there was this girl named Athena or Catrina I don't really care and she was like 'you need to go to Mt Diamond and find this weirdo' so I was like 'no' but she didn't give me a choice and now I have to walk all the way to Mavis and climb Chonkland's tallest mountain."

Carl looked to the side. "Uh...that's cool...but...I think I'm gonna go now..."

Athough, Carl is supposed to help Winry on her quest, so I'm not gonna let her do that.

Instead, she exclaims, "WOW! That sounds so cool! And whoever gave you that cat suit must be a pretty great, wonderful, amazing, outstanding person. I'm in!"

"Awesome!" Winry smiles, "It'll be nice to have some company!"

Wow. I exist too, y'know.

"You're a jerk, you don't count," Winry glared.

"So, what do I get to be?" Carl bounced in her chair.

"I dunno," Winry shrugged, "Probably a dog, or a rabbit, or a-"

-Carl then became a thief, wearing an outfit including goggles, a magenta bandana, and cool looking bandages around her forearms. And, she gets a silver dagger because that's cool.

"WHOA! THIS IS AWESOME!" Carl looked down at her new outfit with stars in her eyes.

"OH COME ON! SHE GETS TO BE A THIEF AND I HAVE TO BE A CAT!?" Winry boomed, scaring every sane person in the café.

That's just life, get used to it.

"Whatever," Winry crossed her arms and got up from her chair, "We still have a long way to go, so let's head out, then."

"Sounds fun, let's go!" Carl smiled.

Together, they walked out of the café, and continued their journey to Mavis.

It's gonna be a boring walk tbh so I'mma skip that again

Infinity SleepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora