The End

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Kaname's POV

Everything that is about to happen will change A LOT of things. Protecting Y/N is our first priority. Then we have to figure out why her brother is here. I might have a clue to why he is here but I am not for sure.

Anyways, I was walking around the dormitory when I noticed someone stalking around Y/N's room. He looked familiar in a way.

???'s POV

*Sigh* How is it so hard to get your own sister out of her room? I have to get her to be mine so we can get married in the future, so our parents don't do anything to me. I really don't care about what happens to her all I care about is if I die. I never liked her, she just had to be a mistake my parents did.

Now, if I remember correctly she has a demon butler that follows her everywhere and she has a bunch of boys chasing her. Now this won't be easy. She has four aristocrats, one pure blood, one level E, and one demon. They won't go without a fight.

So I know what you are thinking, I am a terrible author for giving you this short chapter when I said I will make a LONG chapter.
I didn't want to make you guys wait until next year or something for the chapter so I'll make the chapter little by little.
Please don't hate me for this.
Thank you😙

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