chapter 3

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My team and I were on a mission to save a vip, some counsel member or something like that it didn't take long to get to the mountain base that held him. Some terrorists wanted a ransom off of him. Wasn't going down like that.

My job was to disable cameras. I managed to sneak into the base and into the surveillance room. I saw the guard watching the cameras and quietly snuck up behind him and snapped his neck. I looked at all the cameras.

Galen on coms: Gold star this is starkiller in position.

Erron on coms: Cowboy in position.

16: I am in position.

Y/n: Roger that. Starkiller your up. Shutting lights off in alarm room.

The lights went off in the alarm room. I could see Galen light up his sabers and kill all the enemies.

Galen coms: Clear.

Y/n: Roger that. Cowboy your up.

Erron: Causing distraction in the mess hall.

I saw Erron on the camera enter the mess hall. He lit dynamite and threw multiple sticks everywhere before anyone could react. I looked at a different camera to see where they kept the hostage.

Y/n: You're up 16.

16 crashed through the roof he easily killed the guards nd grabbed the hostage.

Y/n: Starkiller, cowboy! Its time to go!

Erron: Good! I'm taking a lot of fire!

Y/n: Roger that. Meet us at the rendezvous point.

Erron: Roger that!

I went to the rendezvous point. I saw Galen, 16 and the hostage.

Y/n: Bullhead this is Y/n. Ready for extraction. Its going to be hot.

Bullhead: Roger that Y/n. Eta one minute.

We could see Erron running towards us a lot of enemies on his tail.

16: Get down!

Erron jumped down to the ground, 16 took one hand off and fired a massive blast making any that followed Erron dust. Erron got up and walked over.

The Bullhead arrived and we got the hostage in. But someone kicked me in the side making me go to the right. I saw a ninja like person. More joined and started fighting the team.

Bullhead pilot: We got to go!

Y/n: Alright Jaeger team! We got to go!

We fought for every inch onto the Bullhead. Once the Bullhead took off we were safe  we dropped off the rescued hostage at an atlas fob and then flew back to beacon. We went to team jnpr's dorm and knocked on the door.   Jaune opened the door.

Y/n: We're here to pick up Ruby.

Jaune: Okay. She's sitting in the corner. Won't even whisper to anyone. 

Y/n: Yo Ruby!

In a split second Ruby almost tackled me in a hyper speed hug grabbing onto my waist and holding on tight.

Y/n: Don't take it personally.  She has some "issues".

Jaune: Okay. Well see you later!

The next day we were heading to classes.  We got blocked by Cardin.

Y/n: You better move before I let 16 pull you're head out of your ass.

Cardin: I want to face you in a fight Y/n!

Y/n: And I would like a million linen. We all don't get what we want. Besides, if you want a fight. 16 will gladly knock you out again.

16: More than likely kill.

Erron: That's why you don't mess with birds.

Cardin: I can take all of you! Even the red hooded bitch!

At this point I grabbed Cardin and threw him to the ground.  I put my foot on his head.

Y/N: Don't even THINK of harming Ruby. If you touch so much as a hair on her head, I will castrate you and then let 16 do what he wants to you!

16: I want his arms! And his head on a pole!

I got off of Cardin.

Y/n: You got your fight.

We walked past Cardin. And in miss Goodwitch's class I was ready to kock his ass. 

The fight was one sided. Each blow he went for I dodged and countered. He stood no chance at all. At the end he was bloodied and battered. Good enough for now.

When we were at the dorm room. We were having a laugh about it.

Erron: *laughing* Oh man, that fight was the entertainment of the day that's for sure.

Galen: 16 was smiling the whole time.

16: Indeed. I enjoyed watching Cardin suffer. Even if it wasn't me doing it.

Y/n: Maybe next time 16.

That night as I was asleep I felt someone poke my cheek. I looked to see it was Ruby.

Y/n: What's up gemstone?

Ruby: I'm scared. Can I sleep with you?

I moved so I was against the wall.

Y/n: Climb in.

Ruby curled up next to me and nuzzled into my chest hugging me. I didn't care. She has been through so much, right now she needs all the help she can get. I'll help where I can. But eventually she'll have to face the problem.

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