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It was a normal day. I was walking around Beacon. But then I felt someone rush behind me. I pulled out my bow staff and blocked a strike from one of those guys from the base.  More appeared and I was holding my ground heavily outnumbered. But then one big one appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me by my neck.

?: You're one of the ones that destroyed the base?  Interesting. 

Y/n: Who are you?

?: Name is Nathan.  And I'm here to get revenge.

He grabbed my legs with one hand and held me above him. He slammed my back against his knee and I could hear my spine crack.  He threw me on the ground.  

Nathan: If you live. Come find me.  I'd love to do this again. 

He kicked me straight in my face knocking me unconscious. 

( 3rd person pov)

Ozpin headed to team yeag's dorm. He knocked on the door. Erron opened the door.

Ozpin: Mr.Black. it's Y/n.

Erron: What?

Ozpin: He's in the infirmary.  Broken spine and his skull is barely intact.

Erron angry: Who did it!

Ozpin: We don't know.  

Erron: Guy's! Y/n is hurt. Let's go.

The rest of the team and Ruby rushes to the infirmary to see Y/n unconscious and in a coma. Ruby sat next to Y/n and started to cry. 

16: What do we do?

Erron angry: I'll tell you what we do. We find the son of a cheap five cent whore who did this and make sure his bones don't work again!

Galen: Agreed.  Where do we start?

Erron: Junior. He always knows what's up.  What about Ruby?

The team looked at the crying Ruby.

Galen: Leave her. She won't want to leave his side.

They left and went to juniors nightclub.  When they entered they went straight to Junior.

Junior: What can I do for you?

Erron: Information. 

Junior: That'll cost you Erron.

Erron: I don't got time to deal in business.  Someone put Y/n in the infirmary fighting for his life. Tell me what I want to know.  Or I let 16 do the talking. 

16: He means beating!

Junior: Jesus! Okay! There was one big guy who came in earlier.  Said he got back at some guy for destroying his secret base or something according to the twins. 

Erron: Who is he!?

Junior: I don't know honest! First time I ever saw him!  He was big as a mountain! 

Erron: Damnit!

Erron stormed out of the nightclub.  Soon Galen and 16 joined him.

Erron: All we know is that this guy is huge! And that's it!

Galen: I know. But we should head back soon. In case that guy wants to finish what he started.

16: I agree. We should get back to finding him once we have more to go on.

Erron: Alright.  

The three went back to beacon. They never strayed fae from Y/n's side. Especially Ruby who stayed there even sleeping next to his bed. Three weeks went by.  Finally Y/n started to stir.

Y/n weakly: G...g...guys.

The team were startled.

Ruby: Y/n! Your  awake!

Erron: Hey partner.

Y/n: How long have I been out?

Erron: Three weeks. How you feeling?

Y/n: Like I got hit with an ice cream truck. Nathan got me good.

Erron: Nathan?

Y/n: Yeah. The guy who got me said his name was Nathan.

Erron: We tried to find him. Didn't get anywhere. 

Y/n: Well now we all can look.

Y/n tried to get up but only made it to sitting. 

Ruby: No Y/n! Your hurting yourself!

Y/n: I'll be fine gemstone.

Ruby wraped her arms around Y/n's waist and started to cry.

Ruby: *sob* please don't *sob* I don't want you *sob* to get hurt anymore.  *sob*

Erron: We'll be right back Y/n. Ozpin will want  to know that you're up. 

The trio left leaving only Ruby and Y/n.  Y/n rubbed Ruby's back as she sobbed into him. She calmed down after a minute. 

Ruby looked up at Y/n

Ruby: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Ruby: can I tell you something?

Y/n: Of course gemstone.

Ruby: You're the first person to actually be nice to me.  I need to tell you that I...I... I love you Y/n.  

Ruby looked away from Y/n.  Y/n put two fingers under Ruby's chin and lightly moved her head to face him. He closed the distance in between them and placed his lips on hers. 

Erron walked in during their makeout session.  He took it upon himself to just leave.

Erron in head: I'm not surprised.   I'll just leave them be.

male reader x broken Ruby Where stories live. Discover now