Before we begin. (Please Read if under 18)

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A/N I normally don't do this because its fucking stupid, but I have to for this. There will be very very very bad writing in this, you can tell by how I did the very(s)--the first part will be very confusing, but in majority of my stories I have written they all went like this: Middle, Beginning, Middle (again), then End. Why? Because I am terrible at story telling and I am terrible at finishing a story.

Now, for the next warning, you will cringe a lot in this, you may find it arousing, or not, you may find this to be crude and you may find it to be shocking. I only say this now because I gotten too many bloody complaints from parents. Yes, parents. Those under 18+, please for the love of all hell DON'T FUCKING READ THIS, alright? I don't want your parents finding it on your phone or computer and telling me how I should fucking write. However, I am going to make it clear that my target is in the mature variety, I don't care if you're fucking 13-25 or older. As long as you're mature you may continue. Yes, I said 13 even though I said 18+ don't read, well that's because I was 12 when I read shit like this and I admit I did get turned on by it, but you know what? Its fucking puberty, your kids are going to find out about this stuff anyway, either you tell them, the school does, or I do.

If they are going to learn by reading this shitty story then so be it, they already know what sex is and they already know what birth is and where children come from, if they don't then that's on you has parents. Your child isn't a special snowflake, believe me, they are harder as ice. They can handle anything and this brings out the heat and make the melt and become more understanding of their bodies and their feelings.

Life is rough, don't make it harder. Now then that's out of the way, those of you under 18 who may be going through puberty right now--I don't care how old you are, or what you have seen or heard, you may read this if you are mature enough to handle it. Just don't go show your parents.

Before we begin to the prologue, these are the warnings I will now list.

O MAXVID, must I say more. Yes, it is underaged! (There is also other ships, just not all)

O Crude language.

O Blood.

O Nudity. (No pictures, maybe in the future.) (Psst, just ask)

O Sex. (Lots of it)

O Possible trauma triggers. (If you had experience with Sexual assult or molestion please do not read.)

IF you are okay with all of these little points, you may continue to read, just so you know I will be drunk-ish while writing each chapter because this story is meant to be bad and kind of smutty. I'm not good with sex stuff though... However, I will try my hardest. I just hope I don't pass out.


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