Chapter One: A Friendly Start

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Back to the Dursley's Harry thought on the Hogwarts Express sad about the fact that he wouldn't be going to live with his godfather, Sirius Black. His best friends, Ron and Hermione, at his side in the compartment. "Harry" Ron said to get Harry's attention "Do you want to come over to the Burrow this summer? The Quidditch Cup is this year." Harry thinking about how he would get the Dursley's to agree to such a offer replied "I'll see Ron" Hermione chimed in "Do you think I could come over sometime too?" Ron with a thoughtful expression said "I'll ask my mum. I'll send you an owl as soon as I get her answer." Hermione replied almost instantly with a twinkle in her eye. "Okay." "So Hermione do you have any plans for the summer?" Asked Harry. "Not really unless I can go to the Quidditch Cup with you and Ron." Replied Hermione "Ron how's your leg doing?" Ron examined his leg "It's doing alright." He said with a voice crack. "That's good." Harry said. For the rest of the ride they practiced magic, making the most of their time. Until suddenly the door burst open they all raised their wands to the door in shock. "Scared Potter?" Draco said mockingly. "Where are your goons Malfoy?" Said Ron as they all but him lowered their wands. "I told them to stay behind. I wanted to take this on solo." Replied Draco. "Ron, put your wand away." Said Harry with a stern tone. "But Harry..." Said Ron with disappointment in his voice. "Ron, He won't hurt us." Replied Harry. He doesn't even have his wand at least I don't think he does. "Please put away your wand." Said Harry. "Fine!" Ron said snappily. "Why are you being so defensive of him?" Harry thought about the truth for a minute. It's because of love him you idiot. But he decided lying was better than admitting that. "It's because we don't need to make more enemies than we already have." Harry said. "But Harry he's already our enemy." Ron said quickly. Harry thought about how he was going to get himself out of this situation. I can't tell him the truth. Harry opened his mouth to say something but Hermione beat him to it. "Ron we don't need to make worse enemies." She said quickly. "Okay well what do you want Draco?" Harry asked looking away quickly to hide the fact that he was blushing. "I came to tell you something in private Potter." Draco said quietly. Harry started to panic. What could he want? Does he like me back? Am I getting my hopes up? Harry thought. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione as he signaled for them to leave him and Draco in private for a bit. Once Ron and Hermione left Harry turns to Draco and signals for him to sit across from him. "What do you want from me Draco?" Said Harry. "I wanted to tell you that..." Draco said quietly "I don't hate you Potter. I want a chance to start over." "What's with the sudden change of heart Draco?" Harry said quickly. "I just want a chance to be friends." Draco said quickly with a twinkle in his eye. "Maybe more..." He mumbled so Harry wouldn't hear him. Harry started thinking about what Draco just said. What should I say? Should I confess my feelings or should I wait?  I'm not going to decline an offer to grow closer to my crush. But will he ever like me back? "I'll take you up on your offer Draco." Harry said with a bit of excitement in his voice. "Okay so we're friends Potter." Replied Draco getting up to leave. "Do you want to stay?" Harry offered. Draco pondered the offer for a few seconds "Okay Potter I'll stay." Said Draco. Harry got up and told Ron and Hermione that they could come back in. "Is he staying?" Asked Ron with a disgusted tone. "Yeah." Responded Harry quickly. "Great." Ron said sarcastically. "Ron he's actually being nice." Said Harry. "Think of it as a peace treaty Ron." Hermione added. Now the four of them started practicing magic while they still could. Suddenly the train stopped they all got up to leave. After they got off the train the four of them went through the passage way back to King's Cross Station together. Harry couldn't stop admiring Draco. But Draco looked back at Harry and suddenly Harry looked away trying to act as if he hadn't been staring at Draco. "Well see you next year Potter." Called Draco. "Yeah Draco!" Harry called back excitedly.

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