Chapter Three: Back At Hogwarts

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Finally after two weeks of waiting to see his boyfriend Harry was back on the Hogwarts Express on his way to school. As soon as Harry saw Draco he ran over and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" He said. "I missed you too Potter!" Draco replied face completely red. "Are you ever going to stop calling me 'Potter'?" Harry asked. "Sorry..." Draco replied quietly "Force of habit." His face redder than ever Draco said goodbye to his parents. "Your dad doesn't seem to like me." Harry said as they got on the train. "He doesn't like many people don't take it personally Harry." Draco replied. "Thanks." Harry said kind of embarrassed. "You're welcome." Draco replied almost instantly. "You know something?" Harry asked. "No?" Draco responded puzzled. "You're adorable." Harry replied with a wink. Draco was as red a tomato at this point. He was speechless but then he finally found his voice again. "T-Thanks Harry." He said quietly a bit embarrassed. "You are welcome." Harry replied quickly "Let's go find Ron and Hermione." "Let's" Draco added. After they found Ron and Hermione they got on the train and found themselves a compartment. Ron was looking extremely annoyed at the fact Draco was riding with them.  Once sitting Harry and Draco tried to hold hands secretly but Ron noticed. "Are you kidding me?" Ron yelled fists clenched "You're dating that?!?!" "Yes I am." Harry said calmly "So what?" "He's our enemy!" Ron continued to yell "Hermione said it herself!" "Don't drag me into this Ronald." She replied "I have no issue with them dating. I'm fine with Harry dating Draco." "Well I'm not!" Ron said as he raised his wand at Draco "Avada Kadav-" Harry got up and raised his wand before he could finish "Expelliarmus!" Harry said quickly in an effort to save Draco. Ron's wand flew out of his hand as he flew backwards and Hermione caught the wand. "Give me back my wand Hermione!" Ron yelled "I need to end this now!" "No!" Hermione yelled back "You need to leave!" "Fine I will!" Ron said snappily as he left the compartment. After he left Hermione threw his wand out the compartment door. "Geez the nerve of some people." Hermione said angrily. "Tell me about it." Harry said. "I can't believe I ever liked that maniac." Hermione said with a tone of disgust "I'm telling Professor McGonagall about what Ron just did and I'm sure his mum will hear about it too." "He might get expelled." Draco added. "All that matters is that you two feel safe." Hermione said. "Thanks Hermione." Harry and Draco said in unison. "It's really no problem." Hermione replied. The train stopped and the three of them all got in one carriage. "It feels amazing to be back." Harry said with excitement. "Yes it does Harry." Draco added kissing Harry on the cheek quickly. Harry went red. He was completely speechless thankfully Hermione saved him. "I wonder who will be our Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher this year." "I've heard it going to be someone named 'Mad-eye Moody' but that's just what my father said." Draco said. After that they entered the Great Hall Harry and Hermione said goodbye to Draco and went to their seats. They didn't see Ron anywhere. "Let's ask Fred and George." They walked over to the Weasley twins and asked "Where's Ron?" They replied instantly and in unison "McGonagall wanted to talk to him." "Do you know what she wanted?" Harry asked thinking that it might be because of what happened on the train. "No." They replied in unison. "Okay." Hermione said "Let's head back to our seats." When they got back to their seats the feast started. They ate tons of delicious food and still saw nothing of Ron. They just assumed he got in trouble.

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