The Woman with the Bounty

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"Ah Bleakside, how I missed this place." I jump down off my horse, and grab my bag.

"Hey you!" A angry man stumbles out of a saloon. "What are you looking at?" He points his gun at me, and pulls the trigger, I move my head slightly, and the bullet passes through part of my bandanna I had covering my face. I pull out my pistol, and shoot his whiskey bottle, shattering it. He laughs. "Long time no see Zephyr."

"Ace, it's good to see you."

"So what brings you to Bleakside?" Ace sits down at his desk, across from me, and pours two glasses of rum. "Business or Pleasure?"

"Mayor, Reese."

"Now I might be a terrible Sheriff, but even I can't let you kill the Mayor, even if you are my friend." Ace finishes his glass and pours himself another one.

"I'm not here to kill him, I was hired by him for some type of job. He said he'd explain the details in person."

"You're not scared he'll try to collect that bounty on your head."

"Bleakside, and Sleetbay, are the only two place where I know nobody is dumb enough to try to collect my bounty. Especially, Reese."

"Good point." He grabs my drink and downs that too. "Sorry about that brother, I have to get the smell of that prostitute off my breath before I go home to my wife."

"Try not cheating on Sharon, or at the very least brush your teeth it works better then killing your liver." I walk out of Ace's office and Make my way towards the mansion at the edge of town.

"Stop, who are you, and why are you here." The security guard puts his hand my left shoulder.

"Look I know you're just doing your job, but if you don't move your hand in about two seconds your going to have to learn how to jerk off left handed." The Guard moves his hand when I brush my cloak back revealing my gun.

"I said this once don't make me say it again. Who are you? And why are you here?"

"Mayor, Reese, said he had a job for me, now would you kindly move before I move you."

"You move me? I'm at least a foot taller then you, and I got you by a hundred pounds. You're not moving me."

"I guess we're gonna find out if that old saying is true, the bigger they are the harder they fall." I pull out my gun, and aim it at him. "It ain't about the size of the dog, it's about the size of his gun."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Claim down out here guys." A lavender haired, big chested girl, in a trench coat walked out of the mansion gate, and got in between me and the guard. "Seth, He's okay, He's with me. And Zephyr, you can't go around pulling that out especially here of all places."

"Wait Becky, this is Zephyr? I thought he'd be bigger."

"Seth not the time to pick a fight, with the bounty hunter the boss just hired."

"Fine whatever, go in."

"So when did you start working for Reese?" Becky and I walk down a hallway.

"When he agreed to forgive my debt if I worked for him for the next year."

"Sounds about right, you always did chose the easy way out."

"It was either that or live on the run from Ace."

"I guess working for Reese would be the safer option."

Becky stops when we get to a large door. "Remember (y/n) Reese has a short temper so don't piss him off."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Becky and I walk into the office, and a short statured man spins  around in his chair.

"Zephyr, good to see you, thank you for coming on such short notice. Take a seat." I sit on the couch, and Becky sits in the chair next to the desk.

"So what kind of job did you have for me."

"My daughter, I need you to be her body guard."

"I'm not really into the whole body guard service, besides who'd be dumb enough to try to kill the Daughter of the Mayor Bleakside?"

"The Farris gang." Allen said followed by a somber expression. "They put a bounty on her head, as a way to get me to sign over the town to them."

"Why don't you just have Ace do it."

"Because He's a baffoon and an imbecile, with a lucky shot! There is no way in hell I'd leave my daughters safety in his hands!" Allen slams his hands down on his desk. "Please Zephyr, you're the only man I can trust with this."

"I'm a bounty hunter, what's to stop me from just taking her bounty for myself?"

"I'll pay you double what her bounty is plus you're usually charge fee."

"What's her bounty worth?"

"$$ 100,000." Becky Answered.

"Here's the deal, I'll look after her, for triple what her bounty is worth, and double my usual fee of $$ 50,000."

"... fine, you'll get your money." Allen shakes my hand. "Amelia, please come here." He shouts. A few seconds later, a girl with silverly white hair, a small petite figure, and piercing magenta eyes walks into the room. "Amelia, this is Zephyr, he'll be the one looking after you for a while."

Seth bursts thorough, Allens office door. "Boss, we have a serious problem."

"What is it?"

"A blonde female bounty hunter showed up, and she's worse then him." He points to me.

"Allen Reese! Get your worthless ass out here, and bring the money bag of a daughter of yours too!" We hear a voice shout from outside. I can see Allen gulp.

"That could only be one person." Becky suggested. I jump out of the window, and land on the ground in front of the blonde, gun toting, war machine.


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