Chapter 6

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The eagle had arrived in the evening, as he was resting in a forest that gave away to a cliff a few metres away. He recognised it as Kakashi's.

What does he want now?

He held the bird and opened the message, wondering what complaints about Naruto he'd have to read this time.

Only, they weren't complaints about Naruto, and it wasn't Kakashi's letter at all.

For a while he had wondered if she wouldn't reply at all, and then he tried convincing himself that he didn't care. But then, everything in his life was unexpected, and nothing happened the way he had planned. But he had strangely accepted the circumstances as they were, no longer fighting against the currents of time, but maneuvering them to reach farther.

He read it once, and felt unsettled.

Maybe you'd like to come back... soon.

His stomach twisted oddly. He knew he should've been glad that she was waiting, just like he asked her to. He knew he should have appreciated her for not abandoning him. But he felt annoyed. He didn't deserve to be let off the hook that easily. She was too selfless for her own good. That's why she probably overworks at the hospital until she's too tired, and that's why she could be overpowered when her defences were low.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes. He folded the paper and opened the bag of messages he'd kept. He stared at the overflowing messages, and paused for a second, before tying it shut and putting her letter in his breast-pocket.


It had been three months since she had sent that message to him. He hadn't replied. Oddly, she was surprised and unsurprised at the same time.

Her days went on as usual, working tirelessly with the patients, and then researching thoroughly, trying to develop new techniques. She had taken a special interest in regeneration of cells, that could grow limbs and organs, and Tsunade had simply smiled at this observation she'd made.

One interesting development was Naruto and Hinata's engagement, and they were to be married three weeks later. Sakura had squealed in delight when she found out that her best friend had finally decided to settle down with someone as amazing as Hinata, and was glad that Hinata could be with someone she had loved for so long.

Ino was taking care of the decorations, Tenten had taken over the music department, Choji was handling the food, which left her in charge of the guest list, and taking Hinata out for shopping for her attire on the big day.

"Naruto, we have to send out invites by this week. Otherwise it will be too late." she'd scolded him multiple times.

"Gosh... I never knew how troublesome this stuff was." he grumbled.

"Stop sounding like Shikamaru, Baka! It's your wedding. You should decide who comes."

"I trust you, Sakura-chan! Besides, when I'm Hokage, all of the villagers will be my family. They should all be invited." he gave her a thumbs-up and grinned widely.

"Do you know how much it will cost you?" she made a poker face at him, not surprised at how unbelievably oblivious he was to most regular things.

"Uhhhh..." he scratched his head, clearly confused.

"Think about how much a decent meal costs. Now multiply it by 2000. Now add other people who aren't from the village, but are your friends, like Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Bee...."

"Okay okay! I get it! I'll make a list today and give it to you tomorrow."

"That's my boy!" she grinned, ruffling his hair as she got up.

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