Food Fight! - 3

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~ Pablo's P.O.V ~

Austin and I walked over to our usual table in the cafeteria.

We met with our friends: Delilah the zebra, Cody the bunny and Tyrone the moose.

"Hey, guys!" Austin greeted the group. 

We put our backpacks down on the seat of the table and went to go grab our trays and order food.

Whilst waiting in line, the two animals from earlier were walking towards us.

Austin and I had just ignored them.

Then all of a sudden, they cut in front of us!

"Uhm, excuse me?" I say with a hint of sass in my voice.

"What?" The pink one says.

"You just cut in front of us," Austin starts "we got here fair and sq-"

"shut up!" The yellow one yells.

"Nobody cares about your goodie two shoe mumbo jumbo!" She snaps. 

The cafeteria supervisor hears her yelling. "Hey! We do not say those words here." He says strictly.

They try explaining to the supervisor that they were in line first. Thankfully, this man has a brain; he sends them to the back of the line.

"Ugh," the pink one groans.

Austin and I giggle seeing them stuck at the end.

After we order, we sit back down with Delilah, Cody and Tyrone.

"Why was there so much yelling back there?" Delilah starts, "almost everyone was staring!

Austin gasps, "everyone?!"

"Pretty much," Cody replies while Tyrone nods.

He sighs and takes a bite of his apple when all of a sudden a piece of bread flies onto the table.

We're all on the edge of our seats because of the slice of bread!

While Delilah, Austin and I try to figure out who threw it we hear Tyrone and Cody yell.

"FOOD FIGHT!" While tossing pieces of food from their own tray to some table.

I then look over to realize...It's the pink and yellow animals!

Within a blink, all the Kindergarteners and Grade 1's are standing on tables and chairs while throwing pieces of food everywhere!

My head immediately starts pounding because of supervisors and teachers yelling and blowing whistles, nevermind the SCREAMING CHILDREN!

I am about to gesture my group to head out when I see Austin start throwing food aswell.

"C'mon Pablo! Join in the fun!" I freeze for a second while staring into Austin's dark brown eyes when all of a sudden I get smacked in the face with a chicken nugget!

The impact was so hard that my propeller hat had fallen off.

I was about to reach for it when Austin picked it up and placed it on my round, blue and bald head.

I blushed and thanked him while brushing crumbs off of my face.

I look around and notice that literally, everyone is throwing around food and teachers aren't being much of a help.

So I think..why not?

"THIS IS FOR YOU!" I yell as I chuck a small container of mac'n'cheese at the pink animal.

She'd scream as if she was getting murdered! 

My entire table giggled and hid.


Hoi guyzz, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "Young Love" because I definitely enjoyed writing it. I will definitely be continuing on writing this fanfic about the Backyardigans. Comment what you think will happen! UwU

Love, Nanay Luna

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