Sticky Situation!

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~ Narrator's P.O.V ~

Once the teachers and the principal - Mr. Rakshmi - had gathered all the students, Mr. Rakshmi had told the young students how disappointed he was with them.

He had gone on and on saying why this behaviour was unacceptable.

As he was lecturing he started to stutter. 

"I have NO clue why this has happened!" He strictly spoke.

Mr. Rakshmi announced that there would be an assembly later that day.

I swear you could hear the sighs of the students from a kilometre, no not a mile, but a kilometre away!

All the teachers had been shaking their heads except for Mrs. Bryant.

You could easily tell she was trying to hide her bursts of laughter!

Mr. Rakshmi was about to start speaking again, but the bell had rung and all the students had stampeded out the cafeteria without cleaning a single crumb.

                                                           ~* A Couple Hours Later *~

~ Austin's P.O.V ~

It was last class, we had a substitute teacher, so basically nothing happened.

The good thing was that Pablo was in that class, but those mean pink and yellow girls were aswell.

Pablo and I sat across from them, and they kept giving us bad looks.

"Hey Pablo, wanna read a book?" I asked trying to move.

"Uh, sure!" Pablo agreed.

Then we walked over to our classroom library and picked out a book called 'Prankster Pete'

As we were reading, I saw that the main character -- Pete -- put glue on a students chair. He got in big trouble though.

Hmm, I'm sly enough to not get in trouble. I think... I thought to myself.

"Pablo! I just got a great idea!" I whispered.

"What is it?" He asked eagerly.

"What if we do this!" I said pointing tot he pages where Pete glued the chairs.

"To who?" Pablo asked.

"To you know who," I started. "Ahem, pink and yellow." I said quietly

Pablo quickly got and and started to giggle. "Yeah!" He quietly cheered.

~ Pablo's P.O.V. ~

I was ecstatic that Austin had come up with this brilliant idea.

It gave me this weird feeling, not sure what it was though.

I quickly grabbed a bottle of glue, (acting like I was doing some sort of arts and crafts)

Since the "pink and yellow" girls were trying to show off, they wanted to show the teacher the craft they made.

"Perfect timing!" Austin said excitedly.

I smiled and slowly waddled over to the girls desks.

I crawled underneath while Austin was making sure nobody saw.

Soon enough, I squirted two fat globs of glue onto their chairs.

I barely refrained myself from laughing and slid out from underneath.

Austin realized and he started to laugh.

Before the teacher could realize, we managed to slip away.

We returned to our seats and watched as the girls sat down.

~ Tasha (Yellow Girl)'s P.O.V.~

After showing the teacher my amazing craft, I sat down.

All of a sudden I felt something yucky on my beautiful dress!

Uniqua (pink girl) screamed as she sat down.

"Ew! What the-" She yelled.

All of a sudden I saw Pablo and Austin start to laugh their heads OFF!

Right then and there, I knew that Pablo and Austin were behind this sticky scheme.

As I was just about to get up, my chair had gotten stuck to  my butt!

That was when all the students realized what happened. They all laughed and Uniqua and I.

"Hey! Stop laughing at us!" Uniqua and I said.

They just kept laughing until the teacher told them to be quiet.

"What happened girls?" He asked us.

"Pablo and Austin glued our chairs!"

~ Austin's P.O.V. ~

Instead of orange, my face was red!

Pablo and I looked at eachother in fear.

"Pablo and Austin! You are in major trouble!" The angry teacher yelled.


Hey guys! Long time no see. I am extremely sorry for not posting. Back then I just really didn't feel a spark  to write as much as I do now. So I will be posting 1 chapter a week if not more :) I hope you enjoyed this one and comment what you think Pablo and Austin will do since they're in trouble! Please vote for my story <3

Love, Nanay Luna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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