Chapter 12

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Astorias POV
    I woke up extra early this morning just to be sure that could get to school on time, well early. I went into my granny's room to wake her up. We can't be late my grades depend on it. To be headmistress of Regal Academy when i grow up i must show that I can be on time and keep my grades up as well as keeping my kingdom and royal business organize while keeping the school in good condition. Today we have royalty class first, then potions. So yes i have to be on time.

"Granny time to wake up." I said as I went into her room.

"I know Astoria, i'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."

"Okay granny." I said while going down stairs to the kitchen to the food that was on the table. I waited for granny and my mother  to come down to eat with me. I soon started to hear footsteps echoing down the hall, and in through the double doors I saw my mother and granny come into the kitchen. They both took their seats and we started to eat or meal.

"Astoria dear," my mother said, I raised my eyes from my food and look up to my mother.

"Yes." I said to her

"There's going to be a ball tonight in honor of Rose returning home, you will be graded on how you and your team acts. They will be announcing names when you enter the ballroom, so you must dress accordingly. After the ball there will be a sleep over held with your team and Shawn, as well as LingLing. Which will be held at Cinderella Castle. You do not have to have a date to this one because it is a surprise for Rose, but if someone asks to dance with you, you must say yes. Understand?"

"Yes granny." I said

"Okay, lets go to school!" She said while getting up from the table, and of course I followed her.

   Our castle is about 30 minutes away from the school by Carriage, anyway. We arrived and i saw everyone talking about the ball.

"Astoria, we need to pick out your dress for tonight. Now come on, I'm taking you, LingLing, Joy, Kiara, and Vicky to the store." Granny said to me

"But, granny we'll be late for school. And why is vicky and kiara coming along? I complained

"Don't worry we'll be back in time for school for your grades. And to answer your question Astoria, Vicky and Kiara's team have been doing really well, their grades standing. So I'm taking them to find a dress as a reward. " She said

"Okay." I said while following her to the dress store. Not liking the fact that Vicky and Kiara were there.
   It didn't take that long to reach the town which all fairytale people go to. The carriage stopped in front of Cinderella's dress shop. Outside of the door I saw LingLing,Joy, Vicky and Kiara  waiting for granny and I. The four of them waved at me and of course i waved back.

"Girls, thank you for waiting." Granny said to them. We then walked in and saw the  store had tons of dresses yep you could tell this was a Cinderella place. There was a woman behind the desk just waiting for us to tell her what we wanted.

"Hello and welcome to Cinderella's dress shop what can i help you ladies with?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Oh yes, I'm queen Rapunzel and we're here to shop for dresses. We will need one for all of the girls here and one extra for princess Rose Cinderella. It's a surprise for her." Granny said. The mention of Rose's last name the lady's face glowed with excitement.

"Oh of course your majesty." The lady said with a bow. "And who might these girls be?" She asked looking at all of us.

"Girls introduce yourselves, with titles, your being graded." Granny said, we all looked to her and nodded our heads. I stepped forward first.

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