Complaints | Part 4

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* Ben's POV *
I woke up to a knock at my door. I unwrapped my arms from Joe and got up. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and walked to the door. I opened the door to find a crowd of my neighbors including my sister Lilly. "You had fun last night!" My sister said, everyone else rolled their eyes. "And you two were being to loud. But I really wanna meet him!" She smiled
" Maybe later..?" I said awkwardly. She smiled and nodded and I went back to bed. I found Joe on his phone. "Good morning!" He looked up from his phone and said "Good morning to you to." I heard his stomach growl. " You want breakfast?" I asked, he nodded and he followed me into the kitchen with a limp. I took eggs and bacon out of the refrigerator. " how do you like your eggs?" I asked him "For you scrambled.." he said in a seductive voice. "What does that mean?" I asked him holding back laughter. "I don't know?" He responded. We broke out in laughter for a while. We went to the living room and ate breakfast, we watched The Office and he fell asleep on my shoulder

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