Understanding You

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Understanding You


"Everyone thought they know you very well but things aren't always as they seem. As people say life must go on as time will never wait for anyone. Putting on fake smiles and laughter for so long that it seem convincing but only few can see the despair and sadness hidden beneath the mask. The world is cold and everyday people try to destroy each other, backstabing each other even their closest friends, just trying to be the best."

"Love, it is a word spoken commonly between a couple. It is a strong feeling that can bring extreme happiness or saddness to someone depending on how they think. The phrase 'I love you'can be spoken sometimes too often that it will lose the original meaning and meant nothing anymore than a daily habit of saying that today,tomorrow and forever."

"Fate is always fair, everybody will be equal in someway or another. I believe that one day, despite everything that happen, I try to convince myself that is not the case, a small spark in me burning low believe that a special someone will be there when I cry in happiness, despair, anger or saddness. I have Hope."

Scarlett Rose


Author note:

This is my first story I ever created in wattpad, hope you give it a chance. Even though I stated that I am not a person who enjoy writing stories, I will like to give it a try to see how it turns out.

I did not obtain this stuff from any sources, it is purely my own creation that I came out with one day.

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