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You and the 417 Children would be picked up by many Pelicans as most would be getting confused as one of the Drill Instructors said "You will be dropping from high altitude! You'll have a parachute with you that would be able to work once you reach near the area under the clouds, is that clear, trainees?" You and 15 others said "Sir! Yes Sir!" You would also see the girl you met days ago, 'Kat' as she'd be surprised at you but scared at the fall, Kat asked "I don't know how to do this... what if w-" you interrupt her "We won't..." as the
training started to happen, You would drop out the pelican as Kat would start diving down quickly to your position, despite of how she was far behind, You would try to dive down
to her, letting her parachute work, opening it, as she'd start to be in safe hands as you'd open yours as she'd say "Th-thank you..." as the both of you would drop down

A Lonely NobleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon