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A Heroic Moment

3 Years Later

It's been a long time, you and Kat have started to know each other more then ever, and had a bond that no other group of children can really have, One day, Kat was being bullied by the older kids in like 12 years of age. but this time it was more oddly, The teens started demanding her to take her clothes off, This infuriated you a lot, You ran to some of the teens and tackled one, punching his eyes, bruising them as the other teen tried to hold you back and tried to head lock you as Kat kicked his thigh, having you elbow the teen in the jaw, throwing him away, as Kat said "M-my h-h-h-h-h-h-hero..." You blushed "Thanks...", Kat hugged you tight, as you hugged her back still blushing, the Drill instructor came and said "Both of you... come for the training drill..." You'd both say yes sir, as the Instructor wouldn't mind the knocked-out boys

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