"You fuckin junkie."

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"When five gets pissed at Klaus for letting you get high af."

I would put a rating but I know no one listens to those.

"Hey Klaus, do you know where Five is?" I ask passing his room
"Nope, come sit." Klaus says patting next to himself.
I nod and walk over. He pulls out a bong from his bottom drawer. He inhales the smoke and as he releases it the air surrounds him. It's extremely intriguing but Five would never let me do any kind of drugs, ever.
"Want some?" Klaus says wiggling his eyebrows
"Nah I'm good, Five would hate me." I say laughing.
"Ah fuck him, give in to peer pressure for once." Klaus says handing me the bong.
"Live a little y/n." Klaus says laying his hands in his lap.
"Well I geuss..." I say putting it to my lips.
When I inhale it, it runs down my throat and I cough puffing it out.
"Try it agin, you'll get used to it." Klaus says grinning.
I know what he's doing but I don't really care.
I nod and put it back on my mouth for it to feel much nicer.
This isn't to bad
Fives POV:
"Y/n!" I yell walking down the halls trying to find her.
Where did she go?
I hear Klaus laugh in his bedroom so I walk in.
"Where's y/n?" I ask, he probably wouldn't know but still he might.
"Zoo, go back to the zooooo." Y/n slurs
He didn't...
"Did you get y/n high!" I yell
"No if corse not, why would you accuse me of that!" Klaus says falling into his back.
He's higher than a damn kite
"Y/n baby are you okay?" I ask walking over to her. She's hanging off of Klaus's bed. I pick her up bridal style and walk towards the door.
"I like when you call me baby daddy." Y/n says giggling
I shake my head at her comment, she's way to high to be talking, she just called me fucking daddy.
"Are you kinky y/n?" Klaus asks laying like a starfish on his carpet.
Y/n giggles before answering.
"Noooo, that's nasty Klaus." She says trying to wiggle out of my grip.
I can't believe he got my girl high!
Who does he think he is!
"Stay away from my girl you damn junkie." I spit before walking across the hall to my room slamming the door.
"Why are you always grumpy?" Y/n says as I lay her down on my bed.
"I'm not." I lie
"Grumpy pants." She laughs
"I'd love to get in your pants" she giggles reaching towards me.
Oh my-
"Baby, get some rest." I say sighing.
"Will you sleep with me?" She says sticking her bottom lip out.
"Yeah..." I say walking over to her and laying down next to her.
She cuddles over to me and lays her head on my chest.
"Goodnight Five." She says
"It's 3:03pm." I correct, but she's already fast asleep
"I love you y/n" I say as I close my eyes

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