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Year 10; Day 3652

I was in the hospital again, it came back. It's a terrible feeling of the thing that kills you coming back. My heart dropped when I thought of Luke. He was currently away on tour with the boys and I don't- I can't tell him. He'll leave tour and come back to be here with me. I can't do that to him or the band or the fans.

The doctors were doing many tests and I didn't know what one came back; I've had about seven different types. They won't tell me anything. I'd like to know what's going on with my own body. My younger brother sat beside me while my parents were talking to my main doctor- Dr. Annalise Wolff. She's been with me since day one when I was only 8.

"Tony," I mumbled, making him look up at me.

"Alex," He replied. "What do you need?"

"Can I use your phone? I think it's time I called Luke," I said in shaky voice.

"Okay, I'll leave," He said as he handed me his phone. Mine was currently at home because I was found last night puking up blood. I was in remission for just under a year now- around 11 months and suddenly it comes back and is worst than ever.

"Thank you."

To have seven types of cancer and still be alive is a miracle and I'm told that all the time. I've had colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer and lastly lymphocytic leukemia which by far has been the worst one I've had throughout the rest of them. I've always had two cancers at once. I'm just a cancerous body. My guess that my stomach cancer is back, that or the leukemia.

I call him through Skype and eagerly await his answer. It's morning here so it must still be yesterday for him since he's in LA. His face pops up on the screen and a smile slips onto both of our faces.

"Hi babe," He said. Here's the thing. Luke and I have been friends since birth and our parents are best friends since they were kids. When we were 14, Luke asked me out even though I refused many times. I didn't want to burden him with my cancer but he insisted on it and finally I gave in. He's been beyond supportive for me and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Heyyyyy," I replied, making the word stretch out.

He noticed where I was and raised any eyebrow. "Why are you at the hospital?"

Before I could answer, the other boys came into the room Luke was in. They were being their loud selves and Luke glared at them. "Would you guys shut up, I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend!"

"Alex!" Calum screamed, jumping on Luke which caused him to drop his phone.

"Oh my god!" Luke screamed. "Get off of me you fat ass!"

I couldn't see anything, the screen was black but I could hear but then the phone was picked up. Michael had it. He smiled at me. "Hi Alexandra Lee!"

I chuckled. "Hi Mikey. How're you?"

"I'm great. What about you- wait are you at the hosital?"

"Wait hospital? Alex, what's going on?" Ashton appeared, worrying expression lacing his features.

I face palmed and nodded. "Yes. Now can I talk to Luke? Alone."

"Uh ye- yeah," Mikey handed the phone back to Luke.

Once they left, Luke focused on me once again. He had a worried look on his face. "Alex."

I let out a sob. "It came b-back."


"I've been puking the last few days, we thought it was just the flu and then I began to puke up blood and my parents rushed me to the hospital and now here I am after a bunch of tests as my parents talk to Dr. Wolff."

"Oh my god Alex, I'm coming back."

"N- no! Don't do that to your fans."

"Alex, I have too, for you. I'll talk to the boys and we'll reschedule a few shows. Alex, I'm not going to let this slip."

"Alex?" My parents came in.

"Hi- what's going on?" I asked them, forgetting about Luke for a second as I placed the phone down on my lap.

"Well it's your stomach cancer- and I- Well-" My mum stopped and burst into tears. My dad taking her into his arms. This is bad, really bad. If my own mother can't say it to my face, and this is something extremely terrible.

This wasn't good. This was good at all.


"This time it's terminal," Doctor Wolff finished for my mum.

"I- Uh... What?" I asked weakly. It felt like my heart has just been ripped from my chest.

"I'm so sorry Alex," Annalise came over and hugged my tightly.

I didn't even notice Luke had disconnected.

Year 10; Day 3653

Lying numbly in my bed, I thought all the times I was told I was cancer free. Since it was terminal, they let me go home to live out the rest of my life; my short and hard life. I had stopped crying hours ago, my eyes and body exhausted yet no sleep would come.

I haven't heard from Luke but I knew he was coming back home to be with me. It was all over the social networks about how they had to reschedule some shows because of personal problems. Fans were disappointed but he knew why. Everyone knew why because Ashton had accidently tweeted it out. Since I was Luke's girlfriend, I did have a large following and with everyone tweeting at me, I decided I might as well address it and then tell them goodbye. What ever time I had, I didn't want to spend it on anything social networks.

@AlexandraLee: Well you all know.

@AlexandraLee: Safe to say that I won't be on anymore because these last days that I have, I want to enjoy and be with my family.

@AlexandraLee: Thank you for all the support over Luke and I.

@AlexandraLee: Please never stop supporting the boys, for me and for them.

@AlexandraLee: I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye. x

With that, I deleted the app from my phone and turned it off completely.

My stomach turned and I rolled over and threw up in the bucket that laid beside my bed. Stomach cancer sucks and sadly this is how it ended.

An hour later I was downstairs, eating soup. It hurt to eat and I knew I'd end up just throwing it up later. My mum wanted everything to seem normal. Like I wasn't going to die in a matter of weeks.

I had a month, that's what they told me. I guess the cancer has been back for about two months and it was growing a rapid rate. It was too late to stop it. Whether I died from not eating or the cancer, I had till the end of March.

The front door opened and I assumed it was Tony coming home from school so I didn't even bother looking. Before I could turn to say hello to him, arms wrapped around my waist and a face was buried in my neck. The stubble have it away.

"Luke?" I asked as he spun me around. He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. His ocean blue ones searching mine for God knows what. He pecked my lips and brought me in for another hug.

"Alex," He breathed, cupping my cheeks again. "I'm here and I'm here to stay."

"Luke," My voice broke. "I- I..."

"Shh," He cooed and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "No crying, only fun. I'm going to make these last weeks the perfectist you've ever had!"

"Perfectist isn't a word Luke," I giggled, wiping my tears.

"I didn't graduate so it doesn't matter."

"Yes you did and yes it does."

"Still as sassy."

"I'll be extra sassy now because I'm dying."

"Don't say it. Now c'mon, let's get ice cream from that little shop you love."

I had Luke with me and I was okay now. The love of my life was here with me until the end.

new story, hope you like it :)

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