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Year 10; 3679


Beautiful. Everything was absolutely beautiful. This is exactly what Alexandra deserved. Her casket was a chestnut brown, daisies laced everything and soft classical music played throughout the room. The black tux I wore was Ben's as my was old and much too small for myself. This is probably the saddest day I'll ever encounter.

It was a gorgeous sunny day, leaves were scattering and the white fluffy clouds laced the sky. Oh how I wish this wasn't the day of the funeral. All I want is Alex back so I can hold her and kiss her and show her the world. My fists clenched as I thought about her lifeless body laying in the white sheets. She shouldn't be there. It wasn't her time.

"Luke, hey man... Look I'm really sorry," Tanner said, he was a mutual friend of the two of us. We've gone to school together since we were young kids.

"Thanks Tanner, for coming," I said, pulling him into a hug.

He patted my back and walked into the little church. It was no way the same as the church we got married in but it was near by. Married. Alex and I were married, husband and wife. Alexandra Mackenzie Lee was my one true love and I'm so glad I was able to experience her through it all. Her eyes, her hair, the giggle she always did when I made a lame joke and her smile. Her smile could light up my whole world when I was feeling down. God I miss her so much.

"Luke!" I heard a very familiar voice. I turned to see her brother and technically my brother -in-law, Tony.

"Tony, hey."

"You okay?" He asked, a frown slipping onto his features.

"I don't think I'll ever be okay Tony."

"I know," He hugged me. Tony was tall but yet not as tall as myself. He will probably be around my height as his and Alex's father is 6'2. "I'll be the same. Can I ask you something?"

We locked eyes once we pulled away from the hug, his dark hair messed up a bit. A nervous feeling flooded throughout me. "Go for it."

"What were her last words?"

My breath hitched, my mind going back a few days to that moment. It was around 2am and she was tossing and turning like there was no tomorrow. Her small skinny and fragile frame could barely move. In just eight days, she's gone from somewhat healthy looking Alex to a sad sight of Alex being skin and bones. Eight days. That disgusting disease only took that many days to full on kill her. It spreads incredibly fast and eventually her body just couldn't do it any more and I can't blame her. It hurt me to see it. I never left her or if I did it was only to piss or take a quick shower. In those days, I did not leave the hospital and I'm forever grateful for the staff in that ward.

In her last moments awake with me before she drifted off and never woke up, she placed her hands on my cheeks and locked eyes with me. Her beautiful green eyes never strayed and it was like she never blinked. Her hollows cheeks sucked in and out for breaths. At the time I knew she was leaving me soon but I didn't want to believe it. I always thought that in some miracle she would be able to make it out just like all the other times.

"Lucas," She breathed, her eyes closing for a moment. "Thank you."

Her voice wasn't the same anymore as it was barely there. She was barely there anymore but she was there enough to talk to me one last time. After she died, it occurred to me that this must've taken the last bit of strength. She wanted to tell me things but was too weak. But with Alex being Alex, she pushed herself to the extreme. The brink of death and she still managed to surprise me.

"Thank you for the whole wide world..." She paused to gain some energy back, her hands pressing gently into my cheeks. Her thumb rubbed across my lips multiple times but she breathed out and opened her eyes once more. Tears rimmed her eyes as she looked at me. Was this the final picture in her head? Me? Her loving husband. "I never asked for you to like me and love me the way you did... and I never believed a miracle could happen... But when you finally asked me out all those times and I said yes, that is one of the best moments. It was the start of something so precious and rare."

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