Chapter 3

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"Nanna, when will I be starting school?" I ask, tilting my head a little bit to the left.

"You will be starting on Friday," Nanna answers.

"Why don't I start tomorrow, Nanna?" A questioning look lingers on my face.

"I thought that, just coming here from Germany, the pressure of coming from a land you know to a land you don't know, and I thought that you wouldn't be eager to see new people, also to unpack and get used to the new house," Nanna raffles off a few reasons to why I won't be starting on Thursday.

"Okay Nanna, I guess that makes sense," My voice dies after a couple of words are spoken.

"Dear, I have never seen you this eager to meet people, let alone your own peers!" Nanna exclaims, happy to hear that I am will to get out of my quiet bubble and try something new for a change.

"Thanks Nanna, I really hope that I don't.....................muss wieder alleine sein (TRANSLATION: Have to be alone again)," My voice wonders again while my german finishes my sentence.

"Oh, dear............," Nanna pulls me into a hug. I start crying into Nanna's shoulder. I can't take my phobia's anymore. My two phobia's that were produced over time by my.................parents. Nanna hugs me closer and harder. I start to fall to the ground. My sadness and fear taking hold. Nanna doesn't let go of me. She slides down with me still in her arms.

"Nanna...............I don't know how much longer I can go without them," My sobs cutting up my words.

"Sophia...............dearest.....................just a little while longer.................I promise you," Nanna whispers into my hair.

Sadly...........................................I never realized how right Nanna was.............

"Nanna..............c-c-can we g-g-go to the l-library? I t-t-t-think a little r-r-reading might help," My breath catches up with me.

"How about this, I can read Frankenstein while you unpack your boxes, and we can go tomorrow, ok?" Nanna offers. I shake my head in a "yes" motion. I get up from the ground. I turn around to help Nanna up. I never want to call Nanna..........................old..........................even though she is a very elderly age. Her bones are getting very brittle, her skin almost like fine aged paper. Crinkly but soft, frail yet strong. Helping Nanna up is easier then people think it is. She lays off all her weight on the wall or on herself. Giving little to no weight to actually lift her up off the ground. One thing about Nanna everyone needs to that she never asks for help..............and that when she does........she does it to the point where you are doing little to 1% of the work to where she is doing 99% of the work. Nanna doesn't want anyone to see her weak..............not even the people that are close to her. Nanna is a strong welded woman. She wants to emotionally show it and physically show it. I also know Nanna's got a large amount of pride in where she stands as a woman. That's another thing I admire in Nanna. She wants to come off as a wise, sweet, but strong lady even though she's slowing down a bit by elderly age. I start to wonder....................Nanna's 85 years old and the year is 2012. If I subtract 85 years from 2012.....................I get 1927. Nanna was born in 1927 and Captain America didn't start is fame until late 1930's to early 1940's. It's getting my mind turning a bit..........................Nanna's got to know some crazy.........yet awesome stories about him!

"Nanna?" I ask. I start to give her my doe eyes..........knowing she'll never say no, if I give her my famous doe eyes.

"Yes, Sophia," She cracks a smile and a lite hearty chuckle, by my eyes.

"I was thinking- You were born in 1927, right?" I asked just to make sure I did the math right.

"Yes Sophia, I did," She still smiles.

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