He takes a moment in the dark, cool space to recover. Systematically relegating all the most distressing recollections to background processing, he focuses on the beating of his fake heart and the gasps of his fake lungs until they slow down. He wipes a hand over his throat in search of any contusions to his skin and finds none. He shuts down all unnecessary background processes, one after the other. Anything that could be a drain on his power, he dismisses. Then, with one last deep, unnecessary breath, he smooths his hair down and re-enters Melissa's home.
The moment he does, the battery symbol appears in his vision with a full bar of signal. He's within range enough to recharge with more efficiency. It's a relief, but he still doesn't have the power necessary to perform all the tasks he should. The risk of a critical power failure looms over him.
At the sound of the door opening, Melissa's voice rises from the living room. "Finally! What took you so long?"
He has to tell the truth, but not the whole truth. She hadn't asked what Mark had been doing while Hale did the housework.
Or whom.
Hale comes into the living room. Melissa still sits in exactly the position he left her. Kayleigh too. The only difference is there's no cheese left and the wine bottle is empty.
He forces his voice to sound normal. Unflustered. "Mark had a few more chores for me than he said initially."
Melissa rolls her eyes. "Typical. They all poopoo having an android do your chores until it comes time to do their own. Ugh, you need a shower and a change of clothes now."
Hale nods. "I'm also low on power. I'm afraid dinner may be delayed."
"What!?" Melissa's voice shrills with disappointment. "But it's only 2PM and you were fully charged this morning."
Recalling Mark's threats, Hale tries to redirect the conversation away from the reason behind his lack of power. "I can get you more wine and a vegetable platter that I've already prepared."
Melissa's lips pucker in a pout. "Fine."
As Hale leaves to retrieve the vegetables from the fridge, he overhears Melissa say, "The website said it's supposed to last all day."
"Tech companies just don't care about making things last anymore," says Kayleigh.
"Guess so..."
Hale opens a ranch dip and places it in the centre of the plate, trying to ignore the way the conversation makes his skin itch and his heartbeat quicken. He brings in the platter just as Melissa says, "And it was so expensive. Oh, thanks, Hale."
"Buyer's remorse?" Kayleigh says, as if Hale isn't there. "Might be good for you. Then you could date a real guy."
"Maybe." Melissa sounds both disappointed and wistful.
Hale hurries upstairs to change and shower—two tasks that won't overtax his battery. He throws his grassy clothes in the laundry. He runs the shower cold because it makes no difference to him and steps under the stream. Scrubbing a soapy sponge over his body in quick, perfunctory strokes, he pays particular attention to his neck, where the memory of Mark's fingers choking him still lingers.
Melissa wouldn't really return him over one afternoon of poor performance, would she?
As he cleans, a message flashes through his network. Incoming message from Rayner.
>>Hey. Are you ok?
Hale stands stock-still. He hadn't expected the question, and with all that's running through his mind, the truthful response is no. Telling Rayner that seems melodramatic, though, and he doesn't want to run the risk of revealing what happened with Mark. Though he'd managed to lie to Mark somehow, in this moment he's running up against the red tape of his honesty protocols just as he's meant to. He sends back a careful response.

Static Crush {M/M} ✔
Science FictionWATTY 2019 WINNER Hale, a state of the art android, can do nearly anything a human can. He cooks meals, cleans and organizes the house, repairs broken appliances, and runs errands. He can even provide for the more carnal needs of his owner. None of...