Chapter #42

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Rayner's expression of pure contrition does little to alleviate the tight knot of apprehension that just tied itself in Hale's stomach. Everything they've done so far all started because Hale needed to get away from here, and now, inexplicably, they're back. Melissa's house, and Melissa herself presumably, are within walking distance.

Rayner says, "I know it isn't ideal, but we needed a place to go, just for a couple days, and I looked it up. My house isn't being monitored. I know I can hack into it... If we never raise the storm shutters, no one will be able to see inside."

Hale can hardly believe his ears. "That still seems ill-advised. If any of the neighbours notice something's amiss—"

"I know, I know, but they don't know Theo, and they won't recognize you, eh? You look totally different. Damo's all over the news, but he could change his appearance if needed. We'd all just stay out of sight though, you know? Lie low."

Shaking his head, Hale recalls with vivid detail all the nosy, judgmental, gossiping neighbours of Alder Close with a sick pit in his stomach. They likely all know about Hale and Rayner's bold escape in the night, and every one of them would be only too keen to discover the criminals had come home to roost.

Hale tries to distil all the countless worries and arguments rising up in his head into clear-cut sentences. It feels disjointed and strange to be speaking audibly when data transmission is so much faster and more complete. Each thought he voices is only a microcosm of what's running through his head. "They'll notice any disturbance around the house after you fled it with a stolen android. Any noise, the snow will leave tracks. Any derelict or unoccupied building in any other city would pose less risk."

Rayner winces. "Well...yes, but..." He looks furtively away and back at Hale. "Any old derelict building won't have the encrypted hardware I need to block cyber tracking of my remote building operations?"

Hale's next protest dies halfway to his lips. "Pardon?"

Rayner presses his lips into a thin line, brow creasing in silent apology. "We never really talked to you about it, because...I don't know, it seemed like a silly pipe dream. Or at best something we might do years and years down the line, when we were ready and had everything in order. Now, we kinda don't have a choice 'cause we've got nowhere else to go, and the cops are after us. So Theo and I figured we could rush it together, right?"

"Rush what together?"

"An off-grid home," Rayner answers. He takes a deep breath and lets it out with a sigh. "God, even saying it out loud sounds ridiculous." Hale can't help but agree. He can't quite compute what Rayner means. His confusion must be apparent, because Rayner continues, "You remember I said I bought some land with that money my father gave me?"

Hale nods, and Rayner shuffles closer to him, pulling up a map on his HoloPhone. The image flickers into being above his wrist, showing a location with no significant landmarks nearby. It's in the far north of the province, where the summers still get fairly warm, but the winters are bitterly cold. Something about the address and coordinates sparks a memory. Eyes widening, Hale retrieves the file from that first day he spent in Rayner's house, fixing his hand. Rayner's computer password had corresponded to a remote address. This address.

Hale says, "You want to build us a house? Here?" He points to the spot on the HoloPhone; barren land with no civilization for miles.

"It won't be easy," Rayner admits, "But it's not as hard as we thought either, you know? There's a nearby hot spring, a lake for fishing. Theo's sent some robots up there that can remotely excavate the snow and put together rudimentary shelter. We've got the plans and materials for a hydroponic self-sustaining greenhouse. It'd be pretty small, and we're still working out installing the geothermal heating system, but—" Rayner trails off.

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