Chapter #51

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Hale wakes up, as directed by his programming, a few minutes before Rayner does.

Those few minutes are a gift because they give him the space to relive—with all the acute sensory detail that comes with perfect recall—the night they'd shared.

Rayner must have gotten too warm because he's rolled onto his side, face partially obscured in down pillows and tousled curls. The sun casts a broad swath of yellow light over his shoulder and ribs where the duvet's been thrown off. Hale can't help himself. He reaches out to skate his fingertips over Rayner's skin, watching the near-invisible hairs rise and marvelling at the way his data streams light up with the tingling sensation Rayner feels.

He didn't mean to wake him five minutes earlier than usual, but it's worth it for the look Rayner gives him. First blinking sleep from his eyes, then seeing Hale and beaming. There is such an aching vulnerability, an utterly unselfconscious happiness in the expression, that it makes Hale's heart squeeze.

Rayner lifts an arm and covers his face with it. "How long've you been awake?" he mumbles.

"Only a minute and sixteen seconds."

A choked laugh. "So specific." He keeps his face covered. "Stop looking at me. I'm a sweaty mess."

Hale pulls the arm away from Rayner's face. "Incorrect. Try again."

"A hot mess?" It seems a great effort for Rayner to keep the smile from his face.

"Just hot."

Hale leans in but Rayner plants a hand on his face. "I probably have morning breath."

"I don't care," Hale argues, and Rayner relents, letting Hale kiss him fully awake.

"I should check the police scanner," he says into Hale's lips.

"Mm," but Hale doesn't stop kissing him, and Rayner rolls willingly into the sanctuary of his arms. He's warm and solid, a lit fire cupped between Hale's hands. It seems ridiculous that they'll have to return to the cold, inhospitable world outside soon.

"How long do we have?" Rayner's breath huffs against Hale's neck.

"Fourteen minutes before Theo and Damo meet us downstairs."

"I need a shower—"

Pulling Rayner out of bed, Hale leads him to the bathroom. "I can multi-task."

Although they manage a very quick and satisfying shower, by the time they've gotten dressed and reached the elevator they're six minutes behind schedule. They aren't alone. The doors slide open to reveal Theo, eye mask still tangled in her hair.

"Sleep well?" says Rayner.

"Don't," Theo grumbles. "I know for a fact I got more sleep than you two. You've got no right looking so peppy."

Hale sidesteps the conversation. "Where's Damo?"

"He got up early for a mani-pedi. Nope, not joking, Said he'd meet us at the concierge."

True to Theo's word, they find Damo leaning at the front desk, chatting away with Maci, his fingernails, and presumably his toes, painted an electric shade of purple. Whatever he'd been saying, it has Maci giggling. At the sight of their approach, she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear and clears her throat. Damo flashes a sharkish grin their way.

"Ah, the honeymooners return."

"I hope you enjoyed the suite," Maci says more politely.

Rayner avoids all eye contact. "It was very nice, thank you."

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