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Heyyyyyy angels, what's poppin? So basically what I'm here for is that I was going to create a new book, however I will still definitely be continuing this book I'm just having a bit of writers block currently cause I'm wanting to make it be different from others stories and want to make it the best it can be! Although I did as I said, wanted to make new book alongside this one and wasn't completely for sure what I should base it off of. I do have a few  ideas but, I am not for sure which one you guys would like more so I'll just list it and would be very grateful if y'all could choose one or gimme some ideas!

-Harry Potter; either being about Sirius Blacks daughter growing up with Remus Lupin due to Black being in Azkaban
-Remus Lupin or Sirius Black kinda love story scenario with the marauders before the whole Harry Potter thing happened

-Marvel; being new and living "normal" life with the avengers and having a thing with one of them, Bucky and Pietro would be included.

Ok I can't really think of anything else but if y'all have any other ideas feel free to suggest things I may or may not choose to do one!

-Thank you so much and have a great day lovelies:)

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