Chapter 22

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Hello, gorgeous reader! Let's mix things up a bit - how about you click the star and vote now, at the start of the chapter? And for your trouble, I present to you an extra long chapter :) Much love, Kate

Thursday afternoon found me on the beach as I untied my sarong and laid it on the sand underneath the sky-blue sails. I'd only worn the big piece of cloth for a few hours around the crew, but it felt somehow wrong to be wearing anything at all. Sighing happily to be naked again, I stretched my legs in front of me and wriggled my toes into the warm sand.

Over the four days I'd spent at Kaivalya, I'd fallen into a blissful routine I never wanted to change. I'd become a total yoga junkie, attending both the morning and evening classes, and hung out in the kitchen with Eli whenever I had downtime. Heather and I were attached at the hip every other minute, walking on the beach, wandering around the campsite, discussing life, the universe and everything with the other campers. The retreat was a true paradise, and the end of the week was racing towards me far too fast.

Heather crawled over to share my sarong. "Did the crew get away okay?"

"They're a bit overwhelmed," I grinned, "but they'll survive. I'm just glad I don't miss out on this."

Joe's afternoon beach lectures had fast become my favourite part of the day. Settled on the sheltered beach, with the ocean as the background track, Joe's intelligent and applicable lessons struck a chord deep into my soul.

The man himself stood in front of the group, stately despite his naked state. "Let's begin. Today's talk is about attachment and happiness. Let me ask a quick question of someone... Robert, what do you need to be happy?"

The middle-aged man was the owner of an extremely large clothing chain, with shops in every town in the country. He considered Joe's query. "Well, I suppose I need to have my family in good health, my home, money in the bank, business doing well, and enough time to keep myself relaxed."

"That's a pretty normal list," said Joe. He addressed the rest of us. "Have a think, everybody; what do you need? What are your standards for being happy?"

My criteria were similar to Robert's; my job, my health, good finances, my house, Heather, Matt.

"Now, ask yourself – what are the chances that you might not always have everything in your list? Is it possible that you might lose your job, or your relationship might break down, or you might experience health issues, or be too busy?"

Everyone nodded.

"What happens then? If our happiness is dependent on outside factors, then there is a good chance you'll experience long periods of unhappiness."

Joe gestured as he strode before us. "This is what we mean when we say attachment. If you have to be in a relationship to be happy, you'll be a miserable single person, who may not attract anyone else in that state. If your happiness is linked to money, your misery will rise and fall with every dollar.

"To be truly happy, we must give ourselves different criteria. We have to deliberately rise above a rigid set of happiness laws and seek to release ourselves from attachment. So rather than say, 'I can only be happy in a relationship,' consider, 'I am happy in my own company.' Instead of basing your happiness off your success, remember that you are enough, no matter what your bank balance looks like."

He smiled. "This is a hard concept, but it's worth thinking about. We have a generation of Australians living with depression, anxiety and stress because we're all running around, so worried about what we don't have and clinging tightly to what we do have. Happiness is a choice, and it's one we must seek to make every day, regardless of what is happening around us."

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