CHAPTER THIRTEEN - It is the best

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"Who's Jose?" I asked as the man dragged me upstairs in hope I'd get to learn more about the kid.

"You don't need to know." He pulled harder. It hurt. "But he's not to be messed with."

"Ok. But why would a full-grown man be scared of a nine-year-old?" As soon as I had said it, he froze on the spot, and my stomach sank. I had just put my foot in my mouth.


"Nine-year-old, huh?" He turned to face me, frowning. "When did you two meet?"

I sighed. "He walked into my room and, well, we started talking?" It was futile, but I offered him a smile, hoping that he would buy it. I couldn't possibly give him the whole story while leaving out the part where I tried to escape again. And If he found out about it, god knows what he'd do to me.

"Vampires can tell when you're lying."

When I didn't give him an answer, he took a step closer. Afraid, I flinched and shouted: "Jose tortured me!", raising my hands in defense.

He backed away and smiled, "Do I scare you that badly?"

"No. I just don't want to anger you!"

"Why's that, Sanja?"

I lowered my head and thought back to an hour ago when his eyes started changing color and he transformed into a beast. Shivers ran down my spine. "I don't want you to change into that thing again and attack me. Especially because you don't know how to control yourself."

"That makes two of us." He snapped his head around and told me to follow him. I did. "You say Jose tortured you?" He said mockingly. Even though I wasn't in the mood to talk to this man who had just sexually assaulted me, I didn't want him to pull yet another move on me.

Besides, he didn't seem too bothered by how I had managed to keep the encounter with Jose from him. Maybe he was indifferent to Jose. "Since I'm being honest right now, well, I tried to escape, but he caught me and my body went numb. It hurt really bad! And then he said he was a witch..!"

He chuckled and my heart sank. "You don't believe me?" I questioned as he let go of my arm and showed me to a room.

"Of course I do. I just think it's funny he claimed to be a witch." He pushed me inside. I tripped on my own foot and ran into a bedside table, but then caught myself before I could fall. "Now get some rest. And expect me tonight. We need to talk."

Angry, I sprinted towards the door, but he was much faster than me and slammed it shut, locking me inside. I grunted, frustrated at myself for being mindlessly lead into here without a protest. "I hate you!" I pounded on the door, hoping he'd hear it with his vampire abilities. "I absolutely hate you! You piece of-"


The hours went by surprisingly fast, and even though I was confined to a small room, I managed to entertain myself. Escaping didn't even cross my mind, mainly because I had tried so hard in the past and failed each time.

This room had a tiny bathroom attached to it. There were still no windows, but I figured I had already learned my lesson. I took a long shower since I didn't have to worry about the water bill, and put on undergarments with a large T-shirt I found in one of the drawers.

When my hair was nearly dry, the door creaked open, and I jumped to my feet, startled. "Aye, captain!"

He frowned. "Call me that again and you'll be walking the plank."

I shrugged his comment off and sat back down on the bed. I sighed as he walked over to me. "I'm going to talk to you about something, and you're going to shut up and listen. One word and you're back with Jose."

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