Measure 13

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~ Measure 13 ~


   I got back to the hotel at eleven that night with lines through my makeup where my tears had fallen.

   When I walked through the door, I looked over to my coffee table and gasped. 

   Five dozen red roses were laying in bouquets across the table and in the middle was a small silver box with a white card resting on its side. 

   My baby girl, as I've watched you in these short weeks of my being home, I've come to realize how much of a beautiful young lady you've become.  You make me proud to be your father, Emily.  Never forget that.   In the time I've been back, you've stayed very close to your roots.  You've stayed beside me to take care of me, regardless of how undeserving I am of your love.  When I'm gone, I want you to leave behind your roots, and I want you to take flight.  You've got beautiful wings, and they will take you farther than you'll ever know.  You are, after all, my angel.  Happy Valentine's Day.  Love, Dad.

   I picked up the box and lifted the lid to reveal a sparkling silver bird necklace with wings stretched out wide.  A small diamond rested in the corner beside the engraving, Emily. 

   I stopped by his room and found him sleeping soundly in bed. 

   Laying his card down on the dresser, I bent down and kissed his forehead.

   “I love you...” I whispered.

   I quietly shut the door behind me and made my way back to my room. 

   I didn't need to hear him say it back.

   Because I already knew.


   When I called Cameron, I got his voicemail. 

   “Hey Cam,” I said, “Happy Valentine's Day.  So, um... I've got a lot to say.  I don't really want to say it in person.  I can't really say it in person, actually.  I've had a lot on my plate.

   “My dad's sick.  He's got lung cancer and goes to the hospital next week to start chemo.  I haven't talked to my mom in a month.  Hannah turned her back on me a long time ago, and there's this girl... she's a very good friend of mine, who's going to have a baby.

   “I'm not going to waste your time with a long soliloquy, so let's cut to the chase. 

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