Chapter One

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(I do not own Naruto.)

(Aika's P.O.V.)

We where walking to the Academy like we normally do. Aiko seems happier today. She must have read my mind because she looked at me. "Today we finally get assigned our Genin teams!" she said while jumping up and down. "Finally all of our work pays off!" Aiko is happy by nature. She's mostly smiling all day everyday. She's a little ray of sunshine. The only time she doesn't smile is with Sasuke Uchiha. "Hey Aiko can I braid your hair?". "Sure Aika." I sat down behind Aiko and started braiding her hair while we waited for our sensei. Her hair is really long so it's really fun to braid. After a few hours our sensei finally came. We where placed on team 7. Aiko looks sad because we got on the same team as Sasuke. After two hours of waiting we completely dropped our masks. We observed out teammate and took mental notes on them. We even compared notes through our Kekki genkai. Naruto started setting up a prank for our sensei but we didn't say anything. A few seconds later gravity defying silver hair walked through the door. "My first impression of yo-"

Akio looked at me and I nodded and we spoke at the same time "You hate us meet you on the roof in five minutes."

He looked shocked to say the least. Akio and I just laughed at his expression. The others looked shocked as well. "We're twins what do you expect?" Akio and I said at the same time again." R-right. Meet me on the roof in five minutes."

And with that he poofed away.

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