Chapter Three

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(Aika's P.O.V.)

We woke up at three a.m. and Aiko made breakfast. After that we went to training ground three and we took a seat next to a tree and I began to sharpen me weapons while Aiko started dipping her senbon in poison. Aiko's poisons are extremely deadly and dangerous. They work quickly and target the major organs. It also spreads quickly and at most the target only has one hour untill they drop down dead. And that's only having one drop of poison in there system and haven't moved at all. Aiko also has almost perfect accuracy with her sharpened senses. She was always sensitive to loud noises and physical contact on top of her great perdition skills and our Kekki genkai for mind reading she's a force to be reckoned with. Lucky for Kakashi she's using her non-lethal poison. "Hey Aiko I'm going to braid your hair so it doesn't get in the way."

"Ok Aika." Aiko responded with a sweet smile. Honestly the whole world could melt at her smile. She's too adorable for her own good. I smiled as I braided her hair as Naruto ran up to us and sat next to Aiko.

"Good morning Naruto." Aiko said with her sweet smile

"Good morning Aiko-chan!" Naruto said with a foxy smile in return

"I don't see why you like them dobe. They're self-centred and only care about those who are close to them." Sasuke said.

"Let's make a deal. If you can beat Aiko and I then we'll respect you. If we can't you can't jump to conclusions about us." I said finishing Aiko's braid as she stood up to look Sasuke in the eyes.

"I accept your challenge Aika." Sasuke said

"You have to fight with Naruto 2 v.s. 1 isn't fair." Aiko said while Naruto walked over to Sasuke.

"Fine then let's start." Sasuke said as he got into a fighting position. Aiko threw poisoned senbon at Sasuke while I threw a sharpened kunai at Naruto. The two dodged the weapons thrown at them and went up to the twins for a taijustu battle. The twins countered every move thrown at them and moved in perfect sync with each other. After a few minutes they had Sasuke and Naruto on the ground. The twins went back to sitting down and waiting for Kakashi to show up. After hours he finally showed up to a knocked out Naruto and Sasuke and two bored twins playing with a senbon and kunai respectively.

(Kakashi's P.O.V.)

"Your late Kakashi." the twins said at the same time.

"Maa, maa a black cat-"

"Crossed your path so you had to take the long way. That excuse is overused." the twins said at the same time again. It was kinda freaky.

They woke the others up and sat in a tree. They seemed really out of it today. The twins sat next to each other and started nodding as if they where talking to themselves though there minds. The test began and they went to hide. I defeated Naruto easily and waited for the others. The twins challenged me next. I pulled out me book and started reading but as soon I did multiple poison-tipped senbon needles came flying at me at high speeds. 'What the hell!' I thought as I used the substitute justu to avoid getting hit. "Aw man almost had him!" Aiko said in a disappointed voice.

"You'll get him next time Aiko." Aika said in a positive voice as they cheered each other on. It seems they are extremely close to one another. Another senbon needle came flying at me and I blocked it but it disappeared. As soon as that happened I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg and I immediately fell to the ground.

"Got him!"

"Good job Aiko!" Aika walked up to me.

"Don't move the poison will only spread faster." Aika said as she took the bells.

"Aiko we are done here. You can give him the antidote."

"Ok Aika!" Aiko responded as she gave me the antidote. "Don't worry I used my non-lethal poisons this time. You'll feel like shit though." her language gave her a slap by her sister


"SORRY!" she then proceeded to remove the senbon needle and heal it with ease. I was shocked to say the least. Usually it takes years of practice to successfully preform a medical ninjustu but Aiko is fresh out of the academy. Yet she did it without blowing me up. This team is going to be exciting. I just know it.

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