4. Interrogation and finding out life's purpose

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Darby pov
I woke up to see that i was in some sort of special laser cell. I looked out to see those "magical" women from earlier. "Alright where am I? And look whatever you're intentions are, BRING IT ON!" I shouted in my cell.

3rd person POV
The tall woman walked up to the cell to ask him questions. "Ok we just want to know what you are exactly, we also want to know why you're here." She asked him and Darby's response was just a sigh. "Well my mission was to kill two people but now I'm unable to, now I'm in a different timeline and now I don't know what my purpose is." Darby said as he walked back and forth in his cell. "I'm also a machine made of polymetal alloy which allows me to disguise myself as someone or something. I could even make weapons or store stuff inside me." The shortest green girl walked up to the cell too and asks him a question which caused Darby to sweat a little. "I hope you don't mind but is it ok if I borrow a bit of that polymetal thing of yours?" She asked. "Uh...no I need it. I need to survive. If any are separated. I can just get it to return. But I warn you now I do have weaknesses, and they're boiling hot molten, acid and liquid nitrogen." He replies describing why he shouldn't be experimented on. "Hey um...Garnet, I hope you don't mind but can he join us?" The small boy asks with curiosity. "I'm not sure we can trust him Steven." The tall woman replied. "Pretty please. PLEASE?????" The young boy was doing a face which she looks like couldn't resist.

 PLEASE?????" The young boy was doing a face which she looks like couldn't resist

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"Ok sure thing, but he should be watched by us. We don't fully understand his current role unlike his former one." The tall one said. "You could be useful with fighting alongside us" The tall woman says and Darby just nods ". By the way I'm Garnet, this is Peridot, Pearl, Bismuth, Amethyst, Lapis, and right here is Steven and Connie, and the last is Lion." She said introducing Darby to them. "What about you?" Lapis asked "I'm originally called T-1000, but you can call me Darby." He said back.


Steven was currently showing Darby around town and Connie was following him. "So what do you do in your spare time?" Connie asks. "Spare..Time?" He replied looking confused. "Oh geez I forgot your a robot who doesn't understand that much about humans." Connie said. "A spare time is what you do when you don't work." Steven says. "I don't have any of that. I was always sent out to kill humans. But don't worry I won't hurt you." Darby said.

"But I don't see why you humans value life so much." "Well thats easy, follow me." Steven says holding Darby by his hand. "Wh-where are you taking me?" Darby asks. "To the cliff." Steven replied. Once they got there they sat down. "Look Darby, from here you could see that everyone in town is happy and enjoying what's here. Look at the flowers they bloom to the rest of the world to show their prettiness, it has a life, it dies, its offspring grows and dies and starts again and again. Like the fish in the ocean, they have a purpose to live to explore their ocean and to know what's what." Steven says, when he looks back at him, Darby was actually tearing up some of liquid mercury. "*sniff* I-I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I was just destroying life. *sniff* I regret what I did with Sky- Skynet. *sniff* We've been taking life on Earth." Darby said as he tried calming down. "Darby it's in the past, enjoy the modern world now today!" Connie said as she patted his back trying to also calm him down. "O-ok" Darby said while he wiped some liquid mercury of his face.

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