6. Garnet

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It's been 2 months and it's currently 4:00 am at beach city an Darby was on the porch eating a hearshy chocolate bar trying to act human and all. However over the months he's grown closer towards the Crystal Gems' current leader, Garnet.

Garnet :"Hey."

Garnet's voice came from behind, he blushed silver and kept looking at the beach to prevent her from seeing his blush.

Darby: "Uh-h-hey"

He said shyly.

Garnet : "Darby are you ok?"

Garnet asked holding his shoulder.

Darby: "Garnet, I have an unknown fuzzy feeling inside me whenever you're around."

Garnet chuckled a bit.

Garnet: "It's called love."

Darby: "What's love?"

Garnet: "Love is basically a warm and fuzzy feeling you feel for a person you like more than a friend."

Darby stuttered a bit

Darby: "I-uh-I th-think I-"

Garnet cuts him off with a kiss to his lips and Darby melts into it until they separated.

Darby: "Wh-what was that?"

Garnet: "It's called a kiss. You do it to someone you love."

Darby: "Oh, how'd you know that I love you?"

Garnet: "Future vision sweety."

Darby blushed harder after hearing her call him sweety. He was also curious about her future vision and wanted to understand it. However that thought was put away when Garnet captures him in another kiss but more passionately. They then break it up.

Garnet: "I love you too."

Darby smiled after hearing this.

Darby: "By the way, how come you have 2 gemstones rather than 1?

Garnet: "Allow me to show you"

She then unfuses into 2 smaller gems, Ruby and Sapphire.

She then unfuses into 2 smaller gems, Ruby and Sapphire

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Darby's eyes were wide open

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Darby's eyes were wide open.

Darby: "So Garnet's made of these 2?"

Ruby: "It's called fusion, 2 or more gems who like or love each other fuse by dancing into one gem."

Sapphire: "Oh and I'm Sapphire and this's Ruby."

Darby: "A pleasure to meet you 2."

They then fused back into Garnet.

Garnet: "So, what did you learn?"

Darby: "You're a fusion."

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