Sad hybrids chapter summary

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Hybrids doesn't exist anymore, but I remember a really sad chapter from it. Here is a summary of it to make you die emotionally!

Matilda, one of my ocs, leads a kingdom of many people. Everyone was mainly happy since they had just won a war for their country's independence, but Matilda, despite being leader, realized that there was always a little girl who sat by a tree and cried. One day, he went over there in his free time to see her, asking her why she was always at the tree. (Remember this, this girl is 6 years old) The girl picked up a stick, gesturing at two graves that were mostly new. "My mommy and daddy are sleeping. Forever." She said, taking a partially alive flower off the dead stick and placing it between the graves. This really hurts Matilda, because his wife had died in the war, and he thought that he was the only one struggling with a loss. Him and her sit down by the tree in silence. Natalie, the little girl, reached over and patted Matilda's back. "Kings always have queens with them. She is here with you. Cry over her grave, and new life will sprout." Natalie tells him. Matilda leaves Natalie, telling her sorry before he leaves. He goes to Haley's grave, his wife's grave, and cries. Matilda goes home to rest, but when he comes back the next day he finds a small tree sprouting from the earth. He tries to find Natalie, but learns that she had been hit by a car hours after he left her at the grave.

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