Grateful #6

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I'm grateful of what I do now.
I'm grateful of what I have now.

Everytime I ask God to teach me how to be grateful, I always take it harder and harder to be grateful.

I tend to sigh and breathe heavily after doing my job.
I tend to blame my surroundings since I always have my job postponed and unfinished.

Why don't I just say, "Thank God for this job, I'll do my best so that people will see who I really am in doing this job."
"Thank God, my 'level' is getting higher than before."

I should be living my 23-year-old life. I can't be a child forever.

Be grateful.
Live the life you're living.
It's okay to be tired and to ask why those things happen that way.
But don't you dare to forget how to be grateful.

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