Chapter Part 19

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Damien and Shayne couldn't let Lasercorn near his explosive devices. And despite Flitz probably wanting him to refuse, no matter their plans, Lasercorn wasn't about to refuse the offer of a King. So the pair walked down the corridors, led by Damien, swiftly towards the training hall. "How do you know where you're going may I ask." Lasersorn asked of Damien. "Oh, I used to live here, Ian took me in when I didn't have anywhere to live a few years back." He said looking forward, not paying attention to the other man. "Tell me a bit about yourself, Lasercorn." Damien said slowly, in a deeper tone of voice.

"Uhh, well you know I have a son. He's four, and the best thing I have. I spend my time playing with fire, literally. I specialise in ammunitions and demolitions. We've been remodeling our town back home, and it's given me loads of work actually." "Can you tell me, if there's so much work, why you're here?" Lasercorn stopped dead in the hallway. His face scrunched, brow furrowed, searching for a convincing answer. "I guess before my son gets any older, I wanted to travel with friends." Damien let it slip, knowing they weren't his true intetnions.

"So you said you're doing loads of work at home. Where is home exactly? The three of you all have a little lapel badge, is that from home?" Damien clearly was very observant, so working his way out of this question would be hard. Without a doubt the King would know the geography of Youtubia, so what could he do? "It is actually for our town. We all have signed up for the regimented forces, despite our different occupations, and wear this pin to show it. I never leave home without it."

"You're prideful of it. Of your cause." Damien replied, now seeing Lasercorn starting to wander forward again. He desperately wanted o tell him what they were doing, to join their side, to leave The Nether. But as genuine as he was, there could always be a trap beneath, and Damien and Shayne didn't want to take that risk. "We're nearly there." Damien said as Shayne opened the door in front of them. "So when you're home, training, or what you do to prepare for any battle; what is your weapon of choice?" Damien asked the flame-haired man.

"Again, I'm not good with combat, so I usually rig up explosives outside the walls as a first line of defence. So I've never really fought with a weapon before." 'Bingo' thought Damien. This was a way to remove Lasercorn from the picture, without ever harming him. The trio reached the barracks training hall, and entered to find it just if they had just left it on their final day in Smosh.

"Shayne, could you bring me two claymores please." Shayne nodded obediently, and returned swiftly with one in each hand.

"Now this," he said passing one of the basket-hilted swords over, "is a claymore, and it's a pretty basic training sword, but used with two hands. When swung right they can nearly cut a man in half." This of course was a complete lie. The sword was a basket hilt, which needed to be used with two hands, but was incredibly heavy. If they could train Lasercorn to use this sword, he would all but tire himself out, leaving them only to lock him in a cupboard or something of the like to prevent any escapes.

"Shayne." Damien said whilst removing his crown and jacket, and trading it for the other sword. Shayne, now holding the garments, stepped backwards, out of the way for now. "Lasercorn, swing at me." "W-What?" he asked honestly. "You want me to hit you?" "No, I asked you to swing the sword at me. With all you've got preferably. I want to see what you can do, how natural it is." And with that little bit of coaxing, Lasercorn's arms were sent flailing as they followed the momentum of the steel sword being tossed around in the air. Some dull clanks were heard every now and then, but nothing with such ferocity that could create sparks.

Feeling a tad winded himself, Damien finished his lesson with Lasercorn, and gave him the chance to battle Shayne, someone with more stamina than he, and could easily finish this off. After all was said and done, not a single drop of blood was spilt, not a cut made or a graze upon any skin, just drips of sweat forming small puddles as Lasercorn used the claymore resting in the floor as a third appendage to keep his exhausted body upright. "I must say, you're more formidable than you think. You'll pick it up in no time!" Damien sai enthusiastically, obviously playing up his skills for effect, but he truly wasn't too bad.

The King and I {Damien X Shayne}Where stories live. Discover now