Chapter 20

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Josh and Tanner had relayed the ladies' information to Damien and Shayne, who were currently hiding out in an empty room of the castle. They decided to go and meet up in Mari's old tower to decipher a way to deal with Flitz.

A knock came at the wooden door, alarming the women inside, until a familiar but quiet voice sang out. "It's me, Shayne, and Damien."

Being so quiet, they couldn't tell if it was really Shayne, so Courtney asked a question only he could answer. "What do you call my healing potions?" "What?" came back a confused voice. "What do you say when I give you my potions?" She repeated. Something clicked in his brain, prompting Shayne to lean as close to the open key hole as possible and whisper "Daddy needs his juice." Courtney then smiled and opened the door to a Damien turning to Shayne, "Really man?" while everyone else chuckled lightly at the stupid phrasing.

"Joking aside, what do we know on this Flitz guy?" Shayne then said in a drastically more serious tone. "Well, according to all the info we've gotten from Wes and Josh, he's a sorcerer of some kind. And that's probably how he's controlling Ian." Began Mari. "He was also planning a kind of take over, the three of them were from a nation state, newly independent called The Nether." Said Boze. "So they have incentive then," began Damien "do you think we could offer him anything to surrender?" "Doubt it." Said Shayne bluntly. "Can you get anything else Olivia? Maybe now that he's alone with Ian he's more likely to reveal things." He asked.

"I can try." Olivia said calmly. She then sat on the floor, and closed her eyes to focus on the intruder holding Ian hostage. She focused not on him, but rather his mind, listening to his thoughts and ideas traversing his consciousness. Single words stood out, like 'plan' and 'domination', "nothing pleasant" Olivia whispered aloud. Keeping her focus things became clearer, like his desired future, a holistic kingdom overrun and rife with Nether monuments, signifying conquest. He kept thinking of Sohinki and Lasercorn, which was a good sign, seeing as he didn't know of their disposals yet. But nothing of a concrete plan came to his mind.

"The only thing he isn't showing is a fully complete plan. I guess all we can do is plan a surprise attack of some kind." Olivia stated finally as she opened her eyes. "Looks like we need to do this now, otherwise things get suspicious that we haven't been seen for a while." Admitted Shayne. "Then we can be the distraction. Or rather I can." Piped up Damien. "Hear me out, say I go talk to Flitz and Ian, alone, with you Shayne going and standing by Wes. This builds up trust quickly between us, and shows no hostility. Mari you come in from a vantage point, just enough to work your magic on him. Nothing more than a tight constricting spell should be needed. Assuming like you he needs his hands to do his sorcery, keep those bound while Wes and Shayne move in to restrain him. All the while you Olivia and Boze move in to taken Ian as far away as you can from here, as far away from Flitz. If anyone gets hurt, Courtney you move in with potions and set people straight. Sound good Boze?"

Blank eyes stared at the young king as he rattled off move after move to secure Ian's safety. "I mean, nothing sounds too crazy to not work?" Boze admitted. Damien let out a single laugh, "It's settled then. We can go over this more in depth now, and after, set the plan in motion." The group agreed with Damien and spent the next hour working out the kinks and any fail safes.


Damien pushed open the final set of grand doors, hoping that Ian and Flitz would be behind them, and sure enough they were, including Wes waiting in the wings, clearly not in use. He waltz up to the two man confidently, ensuring to let Flitz remain defiant. The sorcerer turned to face and greet him, while using a hand to usher Ian around to face him too. Ian murmured some syllables close to Damien's name, and he replied acting none the wiser. "And a good afternoon to yourself King Ian, I hope you're feeling better?" as if to imply Ian was merely ill. "His majesty thanks you for your kind greeting and concern for his health. But he wishes to know why you are here." Flitz finished sternly.

The King and I {Damien X Shayne}Where stories live. Discover now