Chapter 25

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The years roll by, and the universe is kind to the newlyweds.

Their reign is long, and ongoing, even after a decade.

Age has lightly graced their individual features, but was timeless with Damien choosing to maintain his beard, keeping him defiantly ageless.

Shayne tried on numerous occasions to grow facial hair too, but decided that Damien's rugged beard was enough for them both, staying clean-shaven often. Thankfully, their hair showed no signs of greying, but small things like laugh and smile lines drifted onto their faces, serving as a reminder for all happy memories.

Pattering could now be heard periodically throughout the palace. Damien and Shayne we nearly the final stages of adoption, but in the years prior, tested their parenting skills with two kittens, who were now plodding along the floor complacently. They were a welcome edition to palace life, which was occasionally wearing thin each day. But regardless of time, the King and his Consort very often traveled, visiting both various parts of their own kingdom more often, but dropped by Smosh at least once a month.

Shayne was now, after a few years, fully grasping his role in life, but still envied Damien and his ease of it all. They often joked about not knowing what they're doing, which was particularly prominent in any unfamiliar situations, like when King Ian started and ended a long-term relationship. The pair could only console him and wish him the happiness that they themselves shared. And the pair shared more now than ever. Sleeping arrangements, clothes on occasion, and many other things became interchangeable between Shayne and Damien. They enjoyed holding each other when the nights were too cold, and showering together to 'save water'.

By now, their names were known not only to the continent of Youtubia, but the whole world knew of them. They knew of their kindness, their humility, their strength, their wealth, but also their love. Early on they had set a precedent for loving those without prejudice; without judgment. And it took a while to fully grasp the concept, for Damien and Shayne just reverted back to their old behaviours, needing to be often reminded by Matt about Shayne's new position.

The ceiling in the throne room was now nearly a third full of everything they had ever done in Aveil. And after long days, the pair enjoyed removing the seat cushions from their thrones, and laying down using them as pillows, and just staring at the roof, as if stargazing, at their lives unfolding. They saw their friends and wondered of their lives now. Keith and Noah went travelling as he graduated from Mari's apprentice to a historian. Courtney had now begun her own business selling her potions to far off lands to help the sick and injured.

Boze, Joven and Wes all continued to serve by Ian's side, who, was beginning to develop greying beard hairs and sideburns. All the while Olivia continued to see all of this unfold through her visions and offerings. Sohinki and Lasercorn had returned home to The Nether, and warned of the risks in attempting an invasion, particularly after they had only just gained independence; and were quickly appointed to a group of leaders governing the nation state. Together they helped to quickly allow the state to prosper and flourish, gaining allies in both previously enemy kingdoms.

As the roof filled slowly with paintings, it was to be written as one of the most peaceful ages in Youtubia, and for it's inhabitants. There became no reason for battles or a raging war, with any and all accusations for such a cause quickly quelled in court meetings. There was a reason that Aveil was still considered the largest power in the land, both before and after Damien's father and his death; which changed the world for good.


Nothing would ever go wrong again for a long while. And it was a long time, which can only be retold with heavy sadness as the tale ends here, acknowledging of the copious amounts of joy in everyone's lives, but lives do end, that that is where we leave; in particular, with the calm footsteps wandering the Aveilian palace now housing two adult children who father's have now passed after an extensive and prosperous career with their jobs, with each other and with their friends.


That's it!

This is the end; the end of a large amount of my free time, which I'm glad has been not in vain or wasted by being put here on the internet.

If you can't cure your urge for strange royal twists on some YouTubers, I plan to have one final collection of 'short stories' or rather just a brief synopsis of how I think different YouTubers would fit into this fictional land of kingdoms called Youtubia. I'd hope that with the much lower word count compared to this series that I could keep updating that one, as well as take any suggestions!

Again, I'm glad you've read this, and made it through over 50,000 words of my rambling; and here's to many more stories!

The King and I {Damien X Shayne}Where stories live. Discover now