Chapter 21

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After the extreme amounts of pain Damien had gone through, the height of it all caused him to black out, which was pleasant for Shayne's ears, but not his eyes. As he watched Mari finish up her incantation, he watched the final parts of the wounds disappear and be replaced with three obvious lines where the skin now met. Mari insisted on making her way back to Ian, and with Damien out cold for now, Shayne and Wes decided to deal with their new prisoner. He had been bandaged up but Flitz was still in pain, however the pair weren't going to help stop it.

"What should we do with this thief Wes?" "Thief?" he questioned back to Shayne. "Indeed. He tried to take lives, and then to take kingdoms." "You have a point. So we could kill him, or indict him for his offences?" "Shall I list them off for you?" "That would be kind of you Shayne, and we can decide what to do with him afterward. "Well, two counts of treason, for injuring two monarchs. Conspiracy to overthrow a kingdom, breaking and entering under illegal disguise, anything else?" "Well with what you've said, he could easily be put away for life. But in which facility?" "I say the one out on the Isle." Shayne replied bluntly.

The Isle was a formidable place off the coast of Youtubia, where citizens who commit heinous crimes are sent to repent for their actions. The Isle was occupied by controversial figures, and the highest leader of each state and kingdom would come together and decide if their was due cause to send them to the Isle. It was like an open prison. Instead of being locked up, they built to survive and were constantly monitored by patrolling guards. The surrounding waters meant there was no way to leave the island and could only be let off by a unanimous vote from the heads of state.

"Something tells me no matter how many times it goes to vote, Damien won't let Flitz off the Isle." Wes said with a chuckled to lighten the mood. "I'd wager my life on it man, he tried to overthrow a monarchy." "But we stopped it. I'm glad you got my message mate, we'd be in a different world if you." "Damien was in a bit of a bad spell then too, but this whole thing, despite how harrowing it has been, has given him a renewed look on his purpose."

"He's been feeling bad?" Wes asked concerned. "Nerves for the new job I guess. He was fine once he got started, but tanked recently. Serious nerves kicked in and he broke down. I guess diverting his mind from such thoughts recently helped." Shayne admitted as the pair started to drag Flitz's body down to the dungeons. As they finally locked a cell after nearly an hour of getting down there, they stationed guards there on rotation all day and night.

Next, the pair went their separate ways to find their own kings.

Wes went to check on Ian, who was now back in Mari's care, Olivia too was helping out to care for him, while Boze and Courtney finished up their potions and made their way out of the room to luckily bump into Shayne. "Off to find Damien?" Courtney quizzed with an arms full of bottles. "Yeah, see if he's awake now and stuff." The talk of Damien became awkward for Shayne as he

Felt that the others were starting to catch on.

"I mean, I'm just doing my job." He retorted sternly. Courtney rightly ignored his strange behaviour, and offered to help instead. "Take two of these bottles. When he's awake, get him to chug one, and then save the other one for like a week from now and he can just sorta drink it whenever." "Thanks" Shayne replied post-haste as he dashed into the room where Damien resided.

Flopped against a wall, lifeless and alone, was Shayne's King. It was both solemn and cruel to see. No one was there to watch him, to look after him, to make sure he was alright. Shayne thought that surely someone would be thinking to guard the King of Aveil while here in Smosh. But yes, that was technically his job, but it didn't mean it wasn't hard.

Shayne slowly walked over to Damien, who was propped up against the wall in which he fell unconscious and couldn't feel ever so slightly helpless. Helpless that he couldn't dive into Damien's head and tell him it was all okay.

The King and I {Damien X Shayne}Where stories live. Discover now