With That Guy 'A Kik Romance' Book 2

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The Cafe is where we met.

   My friend, Tori, told me she met her cyber-boyfriend on The Cafe. That sounded nice but honestly, I don't need anymore social chat apps. I ended everything that happened in the last summer and I'm not going through that again.

  This was my first year of high school; I'm still the awkward, nerd, orchestra-- or "dorkestra" chic in this freshman class. I've made so many friends... not really. People still think I'm a bitch since they think I was going for my ex's mom if you remember that. I'm a loner. At least I have Brianna!

     It's been such a blur! The first day, you just dive right in. You've got to know where's you're going; and not jump from place to place. School seems busier than an adult life... which makes sense besides paying bills and junk. I don't even get to text my friends until after an hour I'm supposed to be asleep. Notice I didn't mention Omegle.. I got myself to quit!  For a short while anyways. Ever since my dad married Trang Chong, she's been as strict as hell. I guess asians are perfectionists...

   But THANK GOODNESS it's Friday. And even better, no homework! The first time ever since the first day of school. Everyone's going out to this new club for young people that are at least 14- 17 years old. I'm actually friends with the owner's son. I helped them set up and I reccomended my friend to DJ the place. The club looks amazing-- it has a healthy atmosphere for teenagers but also captures that  party mood to it.  I'm not going; it's the openning tonight which means there's going to be a lot of people there. Even though Brianna is going, I don't think I can keep up with the mingling.. I can't even dance!    

   So tonight I'm just chill at home. I'm catching up with my Kardashians and Pretty Little Liars. Brianna is texting me how much fun Club 0 is and how the "pop" Angela is grinding on Kyle's dad.  Shit, I mean Cray's dad. Not Kyle no, ahahaha silly me.... 

  I already watched this one... the episode of the water birth. That just changed my mind into adopting my future children.

  "How about Mike, Karly? I thought you were prego with your brother?"  I can picture Kyle texting me this...   But of course forget about Kyle. Forget about Kyle. FORGET ABOUT KYLE!

  "FORGET ABOUT KYLE!" I found myself screaming.

  "Shut up, Karly." mumbled my brother.  For a second, I felt like checking myself into a rehab. I doubled checked myseld and wondered... am I just wanting attention? I know I am a smart, crazy dork... who's looks are the only thing guys care about. The only friend that's real to me is Bri; One half of my life is school and the other is-- or used to be--  those social chat apps. I never should've started. It's my drug. Sometimes I think if my future would be poor and useless. I started out the top of my class and transformed into a drug/sex addict living wherever other drug/sex addict men and women take me.

    "STOP!" I was yelling again. And I had to, I couldn't think of myself that way. I could've easilly erased that from my mind, get up, and make myself a sandwhich during the commercial. But I didn't.. I can't let go. Now don't judge me- I'm smart enough not to make bad choices in the real world and I, neither Trang, will let me drop my grades less than an A-. But somehow... I don't know. I have that longing feeling.. Maybe a rehab is... an option? I'm just thinking everything outloud here.

   Before I know it, there I see... 'The Cafe Fully Downloaded'.

Karly, where are you going now?

 I just wanted to get on with this story since it's been millinia since I've logged into Wattpad. How is everyone? How's school? How's you're family? How's you're life? Thank you for reading and to the people who kiked me(: Also, thank you so much for reading my 1D fanfic... I know I haven't been working on that but I'm sure I will continue it in the next month. Will you please tell me what you think of it so far? Thank you for reading!!  I hope you enjoy book 2(:

  kik me?  pinkcandy18

What are you guys being for Halloween?

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