Chapter Three: Stick me in a box

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Blue threw up when the reset finished, tears slipped down his face.

Another happy ending gone.

Why... why did the kid keep torturing them like this.

And he didn't know if it was Chara or Frisk that was doing this.

He heard a crash from Papyrus room, an angry shout.

Look like his sibling wasn't taking it well.

Sighing he quickly cleaned up the mess, opening the window to clear the smell.

He lay on his bed as he had time to relax before once again heading to work, he could literally do the first day in his sleep since Chara never left the ruins on day one. His eyes stared at the ceiling dully, wishing his soul didn't hurt so much.

He knew he was glad for Error taking him that day, freeing him from endless deju vu and true remembrance. Where each reset Papy would become someone else, nothing like the kind lazy brother he had been.

Yet he also hated, knowing what was going on. That Ppay didn't want him to change from who he was before he remembered, wanted to put him in a box and freeze his personality in time. He worked himself like crazy to support them, but... Papy never allowed him to truly grow as he had to remain 'innocent'.

Even the other Star Sans put him in a box, oh dear Blue cant have a cool weapon, oh no he can't be friends with Error or anyone Papyrus didn't approve of.

He was just... so sick of it all, sick of the control freak his brother had become, sick as how violent his brother was becoming.

He felt he was drowning in sea of darkness, where everyone couldn't see him or help him, seeing only the childlike unchanging self still not woken from the loops.


Drowning in an endless abyss, reaching for light falling further and further away.

He felt so pathetic, he kept getting pushed into this horrible role of the eternal innocent and kidnap victim.

He wanted to free, free of these invisible chains.

Papyrus began screaming and destroying things downstairs, sniffing he wiped away his tears.

"Anywhere else, I don't acre what they say... I need time to myself," Sans whispered, eh could hear Papyrus stomping his way upstairs.

He made a decision.

When Papyrus open the door he found the room empty, this didn't stop him from trashing it.


"..." Error said, after all Blueberry rarely appeared due to Stretch keeping an obsessive eye on him.

"Budge over, deal me in," Blue said.

"Whatever Shorty," Nightmare said, as they started another game.

"By the way, you do realize you've been playing poker several days straight right?" Blue asked curious.

"Your point?" Dust smirked.

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