part 14

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I wake up to pain running through my entire body and a massive headache. I groan as I turn to ask Luke what that crazy mess was. I looked over, screamed, and jumped out of the bed in dire search for my clothes. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” I scream. Jack wakes up and says “What?” “What the fuck!? Where’s Luke?! You’re not Luke!” I scream. “Oh shit!” Jack says, “You’re Luke’s girl!”  “Oh my God what do we do what do we do! Shit! I thought you were Luke!” I grab his shoulder and shake him “Why aren’t you Luke?!” “Shit shit shit!” Jack yells, he breaks out of my hold and says “Just calm down! Calm down we need to think of a way to fix this.” He sets me down on the bed. “I don’t understand how do we fix something like this?” I ask hastily. “We just…uh…how about we just pretend it didn’t happen? That makes sense. This way no one gets hurt, you know?” he answers back. “So now I have to lie to him?” I ask “No, it’s not lying, it’s sort of like don’t ask don’t tell, as long as no one asks you don’t have to tell and it wouldn’t be lying.” he replies. “I’m gonna leave now and we can just erase it from our minds ok?” I slightly nod my head hesitantly. Now I was wondering where Luke was. I went to the lobby and saw Luke sleeping on one of the chairs. For a moment I forgot that terrible thing I did. I walk over and shake him, “Luke, Luke babe it’s time to get up love.” He slowly opens his eyes, stretches, and groans, “Lenny, carry me.” with a slight chuckle at the end. I pick him up and waddle to our room, I lay him down on the bed so he can sleep a little longer. I don’t lay next to him because I feel terrible about what I had done. He whines at me “Leennnny, come lay with meeee.” I come up with an excuse “Uuh no I need to take a shower.” His eyes burst wide open “I’ll come with you!” he says excitedly. “NO!” I yell, he looks shocked; “I mean I just want to take a shower by myself right now.” “Is everything all right?” He asks. “I look at him and decide I have to tell him. I mean it was an accident; maybe he won’t be that upset, I was drunk and it wasn’t supposed to happen. I set him down and tell him everything. The more I tell him, they more his face fills with anger. By the time I’ve finished there were tears rolling down my face. He didn’t say a word; he just looked at me disappointingly at me for a while. Then he looked away, shaking his head, crying, and he walked out.

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