Chapter 1

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"Such a small town, but it's such a big world." Brendon sighed and walked inside from his balcony. He shut the sliding doors behind him and enclosed it with curtains. He walked over to his vanity and checked himself out in the mirror, not liking what he's seen.

Messy dark brown hair, bags and dark circles under his eyes, and wrinkles on his face. He looked down at his stomach and sighed. He was letting himself go. Not being as fit as he was when he was 18.

Though here he is now, a 23 year old prince who hasn't found his maiden. His father bugs him every day about how he needs to find a suitor. Someone who can fulfill the kingdom rightfully by his side until it is his children's duty to rule the land. A princess worthy enough to take the throne and honor the name of queen. A fine lady who brings peace and joy to all the kingdom. But Prince Brendon has had trouble finding his perfect maiden.

Of course he has looked. He had seen some beautiful princesses to take into his arms and bring to the castle. Some who his father approves of and knows would make amazing trade ties and make this kingdom even more powerful.

But he does not want a maiden of sorts. In fact, he want's to marry for love. To be happy that he would wake up next to his wife and feel the love in his heart and believe he can be happy, but no one has given him the feeling of true worth, yet.

Although some princesses he has spoken with and met, have the true capabilities of being queen material, they just aren't for him. To his despair, tonight a huge party being thrown by his father and everyone in his kingdom is invited. That being said, he shall meet more princesses tonight and find one to fit his needs.

"Tonight is the last night," his father said sternly, "If you do not find a lady by tonight then I will find one for you, Urie. I will not be around much longer and you need to take over this place soon son." He paused and walked over to Brendon. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, boy. And I hope when you become king that you bring this place as much joy as I have tried to give the people. Make me proud." He waved his hand away towards his door. "Now be off. Get ready for the party. We still have much to do before tonight."

With that, Brendon stepped out of his father's chamber and sighed. Walking down the corridor to his room, he thought to himself, about becoming king. 'Its such a big job. How will I know if I will be a good king? I must make the entire kingdom happy and that's no easy task. What if I mess up? What if I-'  He ran into someone. A girl.

"Oh please excuse me sir! I wasn't watching where i was going!" She bowed and laid her head down, doing a curtsey at the prince.

"Don't worry ma'am, it was my fault. I was distracted and didn't see you there." He took her hand and pulled her to face him, and his eyes widened. "Wow..." He mumbled in awe.

The girl shrunk under his gaze. "Is something wrong Prince Brendon?" She blushed and looked back down in embarrassment.

He shook his head. "Um, no ma'am! I'm sorry," He breathed out awkwardly. "I'm sorry your just so... Beautiful my dear." He took the hand he held and kissed it, bowing to her. "What is your name, beautiful?" He smiled brightly to her.

She blushed. "Sarah. My name is Sarah." His insides twisted as he smiled larger at her name. Her brain battled itself. 'Do I want to stay in hopes he likes me, or go out if fear of embarrassment.'

"Sarah? Are you listening to me?" He said more stern than he meant.

"Yes sir! I'm so sorry I was just, thinking is all. Sorry sir." She went to bow again but Brendon stopped her and pulled her to his chest.

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