Chapter 3

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(Im changing how I'm writing it now, just so it's less confusing and I'll start using names instead of 2 or 3 separate viewpoints of each chapter.)

Sarah sat in the corridor crying, wondering what she had done wrong to ruin her chance to be with Brendon. Wondering why he said no. 'I thought we would have been great together. He's hot, I'm pretty, we'd make great children.' She could have been his princess. His queen. She sobbed harder, missing the approaching footsteps coming down the corridor.

Brendon swung around the hallway and found Sarah crying on the ground. "Sarah! Please don't cry! I wasn't thinking when i said that. I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" He ran up to her and got on his knees. He hugged her and tried his best to comfort her.

Sarah was surprised because she hadn't expected Brendon. She gasped when he hugged her. She finally registered what he had said and she immediately stopped crying. "So you do want me to be your queen?" she looked up at him, eyes big and hopeful.

Brendon suddenly got uncomfortable and slowly let go. He held onto her hands and looked her in the eyes. "Sarah,love, it's early. I want to get to know you before i make my decision, like i've done with the rest of my suitors." He pitied her, all she wanted was someone to love her, or so he thought.

Sarah took her hands out of his and wiped her once again teary eyes. "Sure Brendon, but i'm an all or nothing girl." She smiled softly and sighed. "once you have me you're not letting go."

Brendon nodded and smiled. "Thank you for understanding. I didn't mean to make you cry. I just need time is all. We can talk with my father and figure out a date to set so we can spend the day getting to know eachother. How does that sound?"

Sarah grimaced. "You mean like a date? Like something the peasants do? Why can we not just choose soon, its so much easier."

Brendon stared at her blankly. "I told you i needed time to figure out who you are. And those peasants are our people  we must protect. Besides, i quite frankly like how they choose their life partners. They want to know them before they're stuck with them . I would like to make sure my queen has a good heart before she helps me rule my land."

Sarah smiled. "I understand, Brendon. I'm sorry if what i said upset you. Please, i'd love to have a date with you and get to know you better." She hugged him tightly. 'if i do this then i can finally marry him. id be queen, id have so much power, id have the most beautiful prince in all the land and we would have such beautiful babies.' She sighed contently and pulled away from Brendon.

"Lets go back to the party, shall we?" Brendon stood up and held his hand our for her to take. "We can enjoy the party for while and before it's over we can speak to my father about a date to get to know each other." Sarah took his hand and he stood her up. He motioned for her to go forward down the hallway. "Ladies first madame."

Sarah smiled and curtseyed. Brendon held her hand as they walked down the hallway and back to the party. There was no more music and quiet murmurs were heard throughout the ballroom. Everyone turned as the pair walked back in. Brendon looked a little annoyed. "Everything is fine, please go back to enjoying the party.

The whole room had blank expressions. Brendon gestured over to the orchestra to start playing music again and they started immediately. The quiet murmurs of the room subsided and things went back to normal for the most part. There we some stares and quiet whispers here and there but it didn't really bother them anymore since they knew everything was fine now.

Sarah and Brendon walked back over to where they were earlier with Dallon. Dallon sat there in the same spot watching all the lovely couples dance to the music. "So is everything really settled or did you say that so there would be no rumors going around the kingdoms?" Dallon spoke quietly.

The Bloodline Ends Here (P!ATD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora