Part Two (short)

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"Hey" I say "Hey yoongi hyung!" Hoseok replies. "So hose-" Yoongi was cut off by his own thoughts. 'H?...Could it be hoseok?!" He thought, not sure if his best friend was the one wrighting those notes. Not that Yoongi wouldn't mind it. I mean he has had a crush on him for almost two months now. 'It's probably not hoseokie though.' "Um yoongi?  You ok?" Yoongi's thoughts were cut off by hoseoks melodic voice. "O-oh yeah I'm fine hoseokie- I- I mean- shit shit shit." he said stumbling over his words also mumbling the last part. "D-did you just call me hoseokie" Hobi says with the cutest heart shaped smile yoongi has ever seen. 'He truly is brighter than the sun' yoongi thought forgetting what he said a second ago. Realizing he was still staring at hoseok he quickly looked away and lightly hit his head on the lunch table, hiding is faint pink face as well.

"Yoongi hyung?"
"Yes hobi?" Yoongi said, head still on the table. "How do you feel about the notes?" He asks the embarrassed boy. Head slightly turning to the side he answers with only one word,
- intrigued -

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