Part Four

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*Yoongis POV*

'What am I going to do?' I ask myself. Me liking my best friend is not exactly a good thing. Maybe he likes me too? Probably not. Should I... Ah! I've got an idea. I'll make a list of things to do to hoseokie. Now... To make the list.

1. Hug him... - simple
2. Accidently touch his hand... - eh not bad
3.... Brush against his... Area... With out making it seem on purpose. - challenge accepted.
4. cuddle him... - how will I do this...

Phase one: hug him

*Yoongi* pov

"Hoseok!" I call out for him from down the Hall. "Yoongi?" He questions me. "Come to the library" I say. "Ok?"

*in the library*

"Why did y-" I cut him off by giving him a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso pulling him into a warm hug. It wasn't a tight hug but it definitely wasn't loose. "Um y-yoongi are you a-alright?" He asks. "Yeah... Just thank you" I say the first thing coming to mind. "For?" uhhhm... "For.. Uh.." Shit I didn't plan this far ahead...

"For uh um helping me study!  Yeah that!" I say letting go of the taller male. "Um you're welcome yoongs... But um why did we have to go to the library?" Is he upset? "Bec-Because I didn't want anyone to see me... Being... Nice" I mean that part is true though. "Really." He said in an un-amused tone. "Yes hoseok. I have a grumpy/mean reputation to uphold." I said making a fake upset face. "Ok then." He said rolling his eyes. "Let's get to class before we are late." He says with a giggle. "Ok" I agree, and we walk to class.


* a few days later *

"Time for phase two" I silently whisper to myself. "Hey hobi... Wanna go watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure. What time?" Maybe I should just- "Um how about right now?" I did it... "Ok" He really wants to go? Yes! "Great! Let's go!"


I stare at hobi while he looks at the many over priced food items, not sure what to pick. He then decides on just a medium popcorn with extra butter and a large sprite. I get some skittles and a small popcorn. I snuck in my own drink -black coffee- by wrapping it up in my jacket. (it's in a medium sized water bottle) He was paying for our stuff while I grabbed my food.


We found a spot to sit at near the back and middle not really sure if anyone else was there. A few minutes later some people came in. The movie was about to start so I'm guessing they are the last few people to come watch. The movie started and the lights dimmed down. I noticed hoseok had his arm on the arm rest. So I decided to play it off like this-

He was focused looking up at the screen so I took this chance. I moved my arm slightly above his then placing it on top to where our arms and hands were touching. I moved my arm saying sorry like it was an accident and totally not on purpose. "It's fine. I can move my arm if you want." So sweet. "N-no it's fine" I say. "Ok then"

Let's just thank the Lord's that the lights were down low or else we probably would of saw the red tone creeping up onto my cheeks.


It was the middle to end of the movie so I decided to add one more thing to my lost and accomplish it.

Number 5? put my head on his shoulder.

And that's what I did.

I acted like it was nothing, hoping he'd think that I fell asleep. After about I'd say ten minutes I actually did start to feel sleepy. Hoseok is very warm and comfy. I could feel myself start to drift away.

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