Prologue: Starry Night

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Brisbane, Australia
Summer of 2008

"Is it really ok?", said Eddy with a raspy voice.
"What is it?" Brett answered in a whisper, while getting his face out of the sheet in order to face Eddy.
Both of them were laying side by side on the grass in a red blanket. Both wearing pyjamas and each covered in a white cotton sheet.

The trees around them, dancing lightly with the wind. The small lantern over his heads, lighting up his faces in a warm yellow colour.

Brett's hair was all messed up and sticky of sweat on his forehead. His eyebrows were up, as he was waiting for Eddy's reply. His non glasses eyes trying to take a better look in the dark.

"Well...this you know?" Eddy stared at him, while his eyes run up and down his face.

Brett blushed a little hearing “that” being mentioned out loud. He cleared his throat a bit, trying to get himself together before speaking.

He remain in silence, looking at Eddy’s dark eyes glowing in the dark.

"I think it is”, he said finally, smiling as he sinked his head back in the blanket, covering his mouth, but without stop looking in to Eddy's eyes.

Eddy smiled back. Brett slowly reached his head towards hims, so their foreheads could touch softly. He was trying to hide the bright red colour on his cheeks.

“Don’t worry about it”, he finally said as he closed his eyes.

Eddy turn his head very slowly so he didn't stop touching Brett’s head, but searching for an scape to his sight.
He took a deep breath, making Brett groan. He had already fallen sleep.

There it was.

The beautiful starry sky above them. No moon on the sight, just some splashing lights here and there. He could hear the sound of the beach from far away. The crickets singing from the bushes, and the air whistling through the leaves.

Eddy started to imagined a place where this could remain forever.

The warm summer night, and Brett's calm breath on his ear, the soft blanket on his back and the fresh air gently brushing his hair.
He sighed one last time, closing his eyes slowly.

Then, he fell sleep.

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